Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

QS Sustainability: Environmental Impact

The environmental impact rankings reflect the outward impact a university is making when it comes to building a sustainable institution, engaging in relevant and impactful research and embedding sustainability in the curriculum.

The sustainable institutions indicator considers whether a university holds membership in officially-recognised climate action or sustainability groups, has a publicly available sustainability strategy and energy emissions report, has student societies focused on environmental sustainability, and a published commitment to becoming NetZero.

The sustainable education indicator looks at alumni outcomes and academic reputation within earth, marine and environmental sciences courses, and the availability of courses that embed climate science and/or sustainability within the curriculum. If a university has a research centre dedicated to environmental sustainability, further points are gained.

The sustainable research indicator assesses the university’s research activity around the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and whether the government is funding research and development in this area.

(QS Sustainability)

Environmental Impact

Circular Letter of ITS’ Rector on Supporting ITS as a Sustainable Campus

Furthermore, the ITS released a Circular Letter in 2019 with Chapters B and C focusing on advancing energy conservation and efficiency and also supporting environmentally friendly transportation. These programs demonstrate ITS’s commitment to being a sustainable campus and highlight its role in mitigating climate change and promoting a more environmentally friendly future.

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Statement Letter of ITS’ Rector on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

ITS’s 2021 policy, which is centered on environmental sustainability and detailed in the Rector’s Statement Letter, Chapter 3, the section on environmental matters from articles A to M, expresses the organization’s commitment to climate action by endorsing comprehensive environmental measures, such as water resource reuse, waste management, and reduction of single-use plastics on campus also actively participates in reducing river and sea pollution while promoting sustainable practices.

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ITS Program in Dedicating Environment Aspect

ITS implements several programs related to the environment and sustainability development goals (SDGs)there are Tandur Race and ITS Climate Action. The program aims to encourage the academic community, students, and residents to creatively utilize urban spaces for growing food and medicinal plants and also contributes to overcoming environmental problems.

ITS Assessment Tool for Sustainability Literacy and Knowledge


ITS used the assessment tool in the UMAP Discovery Camp Winter 2024 program which was held in February 2024. UMAP Discovery Camp Winter 2024 aims to facilitate the learning and understanding of SDG implementation in several areas in Indonesia. Within the program, the participants will be able to explore the SDGs implementation, particularly SDGs 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 13, and 15 in ITS, Surabaya as the host university on 17-23 February 2024. Not only learning in classroom settings, activities in host universities also include site visits, sharing, and discussions with local government and NPO about the initiatives towards mentioned SDGs.

The assessment tool assesses 5 indicators in each group.

  1. Richness of the content:                                                             30%
  2. Quality of the Presentation Media:                                          15%
  3. Teamwork:                                                                                    15%
  4. Flow and Attractiveness of the Presentation:                         20%
  5. Ability and Quality in Answering Reviewer’s Questions:     20%


ITS Sustainable Procurement Policy



ITS supports ethical business practices that do not harm the environment to meet campus needs. Therefore, ITS is committed to trading responsibly. One of them is by the commitment to follow sustainable procurement. ITS also has a platform to fulfill office goods. The ITS e-catalog website also supports sustainable procurement following the Indonesian Republic Ministry of Industry Regulation No. 16/M-IND/PER/2/2011, guaranteeing to fulfill the regulation’s stipulation of 75% domestic component ownership, increased by a proportional consideration of domestic company shares.

Rectors’ Regulation ITS No. 1/2020 is a guiding document for Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) towards achieving environmental sustainability in its financial management. This regulation provides essential guidelines and directives to ensure that financial decisions made by the institution prioritize environmental stewardship.

The regulation emphasizes the importance of making informed and responsible financial choices that align with environmental sustainability goals. It encourages the integration of green practices into financial management processes, aiming to optimize resource utilization, reduce ecological impact, and foster a greener campus environment. By adhering to these sustainable guidelines, ITS demonstrates its commitment to being a responsible institution, leading the way in promoting eco-friendly financial practices.



Environmental: ITS will prioritize the procurement of goods and services that minimize negative environmental impacts throughout the lifecycle. This includes considering factors such as energy efficiency, carbon footprint, and use of renewable resources.

Social: ITS’ procurement practices contribute to social equity and inclusivity. This involves promoting fair labor practices, supporting diversity and inclusion, and avoiding procurement from suppliers involved in human rights violations or unethical labor practices.

Economic: Our procurement decisions will balance environmental and social considerations with economic factors to ensure long-term sustainability and financial viability. This includes seeking cost-effective solutions that align with our sustainability goals.



Training and Education: ITS provides training and education to employees involved in procurement processes to increase awareness of sustainable procurement principles and practices.

Supplier Engagement: ITS engages with suppliers to communicate our sustainable procurement expectations and collaborate on initiatives to improve sustainability performance.

Integration with Other Policies: This sustainable procurement policy will be integrated with other relevant organizational policies, such as environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing policies.

Circular Letter of ITS’ Rector No. 1/2022 on Sustainable Campus Initiatives for Non-Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) Procurement

In 2022, The Rector of ITS demonstrates a strong commitment to eco-conscious practices through the adoption of e-purchasing, e-catalog, e-tendering, and e-reverse auction methods. These innovative approaches play a vital role in driving resource efficiency and cultivating a greener, more sustainable campus for the future.

ITS Sustainable Investment Policy



Sustainable investment is a practice aimed at achieving financial returns while promoting long-term environmental or social value. Sustainable investment is oriented towards three dimensions, namely environmental, social, and corporate governance. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) strong commitment to environmental responsibility is exemplified by the significant impact of the Regulation of ITS’ Board Trustees (MWA) No. 9/2016, guiding sustainable investments at ITS. As stated in Article 12 the Rector is responsible for the implementation of investments and further provisions regarding the implementation of investments and business units will be further regulated by the Rector’s regulations.

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember has ambitious plans to achieve net zero carbon in the future. This investment policy aims to be able to run in the same direction as the sustainability development goals strategy, starting from the Environmental, Social, and Governance aspects. This investment also aims to contribute to the country, campus development, and increase income



This policy covers scope in terms of goods, money, or other sources. Investment is applied to all work units at ITS to be able to continue developing SDGs towards zero carbon emissions.



1. Environmental: ITS is committed to achieving zero carbon emissions by implementing sustainability principles, therefore ITS always considers investing in companies that have SDGs principles

2. SocialITS is open to investing in companies that value diversity, help people with disabilities, and respect work ethics.

3. Governance: Invest in companies/organizations that have anti-corruption principles and are always transparent in financial affairs.


Investment Strategy

1. Our in-charge investment will actively engage with companies to promote the adoption of best practices in environmental, social, and governance.

2. Regular reviews, updates, and evaluations will ensure ongoing alignment of our practices with the sustainability objectives.

3. When investing in companies, we will take environmental and social considerations, recognizing that socially sustainable companies are more likely to succeed in the long term.

4. We will pursue partnerships with other institutions, organizations, and industries to enrich our understanding, exchange best practices, and push innovation in sustainable investing.

5. Emphasize reporting, benchmarking, and continuous improvement.

6. Promote awareness of sustainable investing among faculty, staff, and students through educational programs, seminars, workshops, etc.



Rector, Vice-Rector, heads of faculties, work units, and departments are responsible for the Sustainable Investment Policy which is by the principles of sustainability and by applicable laws in Indonesia. Every faculty, unit, and department is required to comply with and apply the principles of sustainability in terms of investment as well as managing and reporting the results of these investments following the rector’s regulations.

ITS’ Student Organizations on Environmental Sustainability

ITS has various communities and organizations that support environmental conservation and renewable energy. Some of them are KPPL, PLH SIKLUS ITS, Kalpataru, SRE-ITS,, dan Bolo Eco Campus. Organizations in ITS have different goals and scopes, at campus and out campus levels. Activities including outdoor sports are in PLH SIKLUS ITS, seminars and company visits for renewable energy can be found in SRE-ITS, research about plastic waste is initiated in, and Bolo Eco Campus are the combination of student organizations and faculties at ITS, contributed to the environmentally friendly campus program.







ITS Program in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission

The program that ITS has in reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission consists of 3 emission scopes. Scope 1 accommodates Stationary Combustion, Mobile Combustion, Process Emissions, and Fugitive Emissions. Scope 2 is about Purchased Electricity. While Scope 3 talks about Waste, Purchased Waste, and Commuting.

Renewable Energy Sources in ITS

ITS develops renewable energy sources in the campus environment to fulfill energy needs in the campus area. Total energy generated from the utilization of energy sources Renewable energy at ITS is 216,605 kWh/year, coming from solar panels, clean biomass, and biodiesel. Solar panels are used in several places such as the Research Building, Rectorate, Robotics, urban farming, Department of Electrical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, and Engineering Physics. ITS solar panels are also spread across several Public Street Lighting (PJU). In addition, ITS renewable energy sources also come from the utilization of biogas developed by research from the Instrumentation Department, as well as ITS gasification which processes biomass/waste into electricity. In 2023, the use of renewable energy at ITS has reached 1.48%.

Details of ITS’ Renewable Energy Sources 

ITS has 3 (three) sources of renewable energy used on campus with a total energy produced per year of 216605 kWh/year, consisting of:

  1. Solar power is in the form of a power plant with solar cells installed in several locations at ITS, with a total energy output of 215165 kWh/year.
  2. Clean Biomass consisting of biogas and gasification with a total energy output of 240 kWh/year. ITS Biogas was presented at:
  3. Biodiesel with a total energy produced of 1200 kWh/year.

 Ratio of renewable energy production divided by total energy usage per year

  • Electricity usage in the last 12 months = 14442937 kWh per year
  • Electricity from renewable energy sources = 216605 kWh per year
  • Total energy use = 14659542 kWh per year
  • Ratio of renewable energy production divided by total energy usage per year = B/C*100 = 1.48%

ITS Getting to Zero Emissions

Empowering the campus community, the TransITS app serves as a valuable tool, offering easy access to bus routes, schedules, and real-time locations. This user-friendly application not only enhances convenience but also significantly reduces carbon footprints by promoting smarter and more efficient travel choices.

As ITS sets forth on the path towards achieving net-zero emissions, these sustainable mobility initiatives stand as a testament to the institution’s relentless pursuit of environmental responsibility. By fostering a culture of sustainability, ITS strives to create a campus environment that is aligned with the goal of significantly reducing its environmental impact, embracing a future that is harmoniously balanced with nature. Click here for the detailed programs.

UMAP Discovery Camp Winter 2024: The Globe (Global Bound & Exchange)

Aiming to facilitate the learning and understanding of SDGs implementation in several areas in Indonesia, UMAP Discovery Camp Winter 2024 was held on February 3rd – February 29th 2024 hosted by Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Universitas Semarang, Universitas Islam Riau, and Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Nobel Indonesia.

During the program, courses regarding SDGs were also delivered by a guest lecture, Maryanne Eva, M.Adm from Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada. The courses she delivered were about SDGs Mapping Project, Capacity & Ownership Development, Identification of Priorities, Opps, and Gaps, and also about how to integrate, implement, and embed the SDGs. The courses were held at the Industrial Chemical Engineering department with the involved students from other departments such as Industrial and System Engineering and Electrical Engineering department as the respondents. These courses became more valuable since the lecture gave the students understanding on how massive the SDGs implementation effect to the department and the students, and also to raise awareness on sustainable development.

Sustainable Development Course

One of the SDGs courses provided by ITS is Sustainable Development, an elective course aiming at providing students with skills in sustainable resource management (3 pillars of sustainable development: social, economic, and environmental). in the context of Urban and Regional Planning, the course allows students to get updated on the key issues of sustainable development, know how to use the tools to measure sustainable development, understanding sustainable development related to clean water, food agriculture, and carrying capacity and its integration in the context of cities, regions, and coastal area.

ITS’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Center

ITS’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Center was established in February 2020 and has a goal to achieve SDGs programs in Indonesia by involving with government and society activities. ITS’ SDGs Center plays an active role in measuring the achievement of SDGs, analyzing SDGs data, identifying problems, potentials and challenges of an area, both nationally and regionally, even to the village level. This information is beneficial to develop strategies and develop relevant programs.

Research Center for Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment

The Research Center for Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment (Puslit ILB) was established in 1985, and is currently supported by around 74 research members from all faculties at ITS. Puslit ILB is one of the research centers under the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) of the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) which functions to develope research activities, collaborations, and science and technology services in subject field of infrastructure and sustainable environment. Research centers under the DRPM have the following functions: carry out research / community service that is cross-disciplinary or cross-departmental, utilize and develop the ability of experts from inside and outside ITS and implement a system of guarantee and control the quality of research / community service.

Research Center for Sustainable Energy

ITS innovation in environmentally friendly energy is poured through research led by Research Center for Sustainable Energy under the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM). ITS’ Research Center for Sustainable Energy commits to support government programs in maintaining energy security and energy sustainability in Indonesia. In energy management, ITS’ Research Center for Sustainable Energy prioritizes the principles of justice, sustainability, and environmental insight. The center contributes in accelerating the development of renewable energy in Indonesia, including establishing an Energy Conservation Center, increasing fuel and electricity prices or reducing subsidies, and strengthening institutional and human resource capacity related to energy development. ITS innovation in environmentally friendly energy comes from water, wind, geothermal, ocean currents and waves, solar cells, and biomass.