(from left) Prof Dr. Ketut Buda Artana ST MSc, Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D., Prof Madhavi Srinivasan, and Assoc Prof Lydia Helena Wong in a discussion on visit NTU
ITS Campus, ITS News – Following up on the cooperation project of the Indonesia Nanyang International University Singapore Institute of Research for Sustainability and Innovation (INSPIRASI), a delegation from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological University (NTU) also visited the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) campus, Wednesday ( 22/2) afternoon. The Deputy Chancellor IV for Research welcomed the return visit at the ITS Rectorate Building, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D.
Bambang stated that the NTU delegation represented by Associate Professor School of Materials Science & Engineering, Assoc Prof. Lydia Wong, and Prof. Madhavi Srinivasan visited ITS for a site visit as a follow-up to the joint project.
“The main purpose of the visitation conducted by NTU to ITS is to review ITS potential, facilities, and readiness which will later be involved in implementing this large project,” said Bambang.
According to Bambang, this visit is an honor for ITS, so it can be used as a forum to show the existence of the campus in the international arena. “Later on, the form of cooperation with NTU will be in the form of joint research, researcher exchanges, joint supervision, joint publications, to student exchanges,” explained the Department of Mechanical Engineering lecturer when we met after the visit.
Representative of the NTU delegation, Assoc Prof. Lydia Helena Wong, during an open discussion with ITS researchers
NTU’s first visit to ITS began with a survey of several locations from the INSPIRASI project to be built in Surabaya. The facilities that will be the target of the collaboration to establish the Research and Education Hub are research related to renewable energy, circular economy, smart cities, and eco campus.
“This collaboration will last for five years, but we hope this project can continue into the following years,” added the ITS Mechanical Engineering alumnus.
It continued, and an open meeting was also held with the directors of innovation and the ITS research group. Light discussions about what research will be carried out, budget plans, and problems that are likely to be encountered during the implementation of this project are discussed directly with the NTU delegation.
“ITS will prepare various needs that will later support this research, one of which is a proposal that will be worked on soon,” Bambang ensured.
Deputy Chancellor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng Ph.D. (left) received a souvenir from the Executive Director of Energy Research Institute NTU, Prof. Madhavi Srinivasan.
Bambang explained the appointment of ITS as one of the four significant PTNs chosen by the government as an initial step in this INSPIRASI project could not be separated from ITS involvement in producing world-class research and innovation. He hopes that through collaboration with international parties, this will be an opportunity for ITS to learning a lot from NTU.
“Hopefully, ITS can provide wider benefits for the community so that ITS visibility is more open,” said Bambang. (ITS Public Relation)
Reporter: Lathifah Sahda
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