Greeting from Head Of Department

Dr. Dra. Kartika Fithriasari, M.Si

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.****

Thank you for visiting the official website of the Statistics Department. All information and profiles regarding the Statistics Department can be accessed through this website. The Department of Statistics has 3 study programs namely Bachelor (S1), Masters (S2) and Doctor (S3) all of which have accreditation A. In its development, in 2019, the Department of Statistics opened an International Bachelor program (IUP). Currently graduates of the Department of Statistics have worked in various fields: banking, surveying institutions, health, Research and Development, Quality Control, System Analyst, Electonic Data Processing, Consultants, Civil Servants, and so on. The demand for practical work and internships is increasing every year. Collaboration with domestic and foreign universities, government agencies and private companies has been established and continuously improved. The hope of this website is to be able to establish good communication between the Statistics Department and the entire academic community, alumni and anyone who wants to know more about the Statistics Department. The ultimate goal is of course to make the Department of Statistics widely known by all people both nationally and internationally.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.