
Guest Lecture – Prof. Deden Rukmana, Tema : Smart City & Sustainable Transportation

Tue, 01 Jan 2019
10:35 am
Guest Lecture
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Oleh : Admin-Perancanaan Wilayah Kota   |

The themes discussed in the International guest lecture on 28 August 2017 delivered by Associate Prof. Deden Rukmana about the Smart City and Sustainable Transportation Planning. Prof. Deden conveyed the importance of implementing a city city concept in transportation planning in the city of Jakarta given the complexity of transportation problems in Jakarta. Jakarta as a megaurban (Jabodetabek) experienced population growth and rapid transportation growth, especially motorbikes. The unavailability of the Metro system that serves mass public transportation in Jakarta has caused a high dependence on the use of private vehicles. Prof. Deden revealed that the smart city trend in transportation planning has been applied in various countries, with a description of data comparisons in cities in America. Transportation planning based on the four step modeling process needs to accommodate the ICT approach to sustain the implementation of smart cities to achieve sustainable transportation in Jakarta in the future.

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