

One of the Instrumentation Engineering’s objectives in the field of education and research is to develop some research producs so can be patented. To achieve these objective, it is necessary to develop a strategy for achieving them by collaborating with related institution through joint research schemes. The joint research activity will be led to Patents. The indicator of achieving is be able to produce patents from the research prototypes.

So far, the Instrumentation Engineering department has been able to meet these objectives. This is evidenced by the following patented-products:

No.Lecurer NamePatent NumberInvention name
1Detak Yan Pratama, ST, M.ScHKI.3-HI.05.01.02.P00201705467Horticulture Dryer Machine with Hot Fluid and an Automatic Gas Lighter
2Detak Yan Pratama, ST, M.ScHKI.3-HI.05.01.02.P00201609021Radial Line Method and Image Processing for Distortion Test of Rearview Mirror
3Dr. Ir. Purwadi Agus Darwito, M.ScHKI.3-HI. Roller Skates
4Dr. Ir. Purwadi Agus Darwito, M.ScHKI.3-HI.05.01.02.P00201705466Automatic Coupling Device for PLTS and PLN Electrical Energy Sources
5Arief Abdurrakhman, ST, MTHKI.3-HI.05.01.02.P00201705469Control Process of H2S Level in Biogas Purification