Study Program

Instrumentation Engineering Department offers two levels of vocational education:

  • Diploma program III (D-III) Instrumentation Technology

Diploma III Instrumentation Technology diploma program is a level of professional education (vocational) held for 6 semesters. Graduates of the D-III program from Instrumentation Engineering department ITS hold the academic title Associate Expert (A.Md) with competency as a technician.

  • Diploma program IV (D-IV) Instrumentation Technology Engineering

Diploma IV program Instrumentation Technology Engineering is a level of professional education (vocational) held for 8 semesters. Graduates who complete vocational education programs at the diploma IV level (D-IV) from the ITS Instrumentation Engineering department obtain an academic degree Bachelor of Applied Science (S.ST) with competencies as Technological.

What's Your Interest?

Standarisasi Industri sebagai bakal alumni berkualitas

Mulailah mengembangkan diri dengan mengikuti berbagai program yang memberikan kesiapan menghadapi dunia bekerja yang sesungguhnya serta sertifikasi keahlian yang diakui Internasional.