Chemical Engineering Operation and Computation

Chemical Engineering Operation and Computation


A. Pendidikan
Laboratorium Teknik Kimia berfungsi sebagai tempat untuk mempelajari aplikasi prinsip – prinsip keteknik-kimiaan. Fokus studinya meliputi: penerapan prinsip kekekalan (massa, energy, momentum), fenomena transport, thermodinamika dan rekayasa reaksi dalam berbagai unit operasi teknik kimia.
Dalam menjalankan fungsinya, Laboratorium Teknik Kimia mendukung mata kuliah: Unit Operasi Teknik Kimia, Fenomena Perpindahan, Termodinamika, Teknik Reaksi Kimia, juga beberapa mata kuliah terkait semacam pengolahan limbah dll.

B. Penelitian
Penelitian di Laboratorium Teknik Kimia tidak dilakukan secara spesifik, dikarenakan fungsinya yang utama sebagai laboratorium pengajaran. Tetapi, peralatan dan modul yang ada di dalamnya dapat dipergunakan untuk sarana pendukung kegiatan penelitian departemen secara umum.

C. Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pengabdian masyarakat dilaksanakan sebagai salah satu matra tridharma perguruan tinggi, dimana Laboratorium Teknik Kimia dipergunakan untuk kegiatan yang berkaitan, baik oleh dosen, tenaga
pendidikan maupun mahasiswa.



198410102009122006_Hikmatun Nimah, S.T., M.S., Ph.D

Hikmatun Nimah, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Hikmatun Nimah, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.

Email :

Expertise :

  1. Polimer physics
  2. Polimer nanocomposites


Crystallisation Unit

The process of crystallization is used extensively in industry, research, and everyday life, such as in the production of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and foods. Crystallization is also a common method used to purify substances by separating them from impurities. The Crystallization unit from Elettronica Veneta, Italy (CRU1/EV) is used as experimental apparatus. Student can study the crystallization phenomena including the mass and energy balance, fractional crystallization, efficiency and kinetics of crystallization, effect of stirring and cooling speeds, and particle size distribution of crystals.

Cooling Tower

Cooling towers are used in a variety of applications, including in HVAC systems, power plants, chemical processing plants, and oil refineries. In these applications, they are used to remove excess heat generated by the processes or equipment, and prevent overheating and damage. The Bench Top Cooling Tower (TTEB) by Edibon, Spain is used by student to observe water flow pattern and distribution, determination of evaporation velocity, mass and energy balance, use of psychrometric charts, effect of cooling load against wet bulb approach, relation between air velocity, wet bulb approach and head loss, and determination of the cooling capacity.
Analytical Balance

An analytical balance is a highly sensitive laboratory instrument used to measure mass to a high degree of accuracy and precision. It is often used in scientific research, pharmaceuticals, and other industries where accurate measurements of small quantities of substances are essential. Analytical balances are designed to measure the mass of substances with a precision of up to 0.0001 grams (0.1 milligrams). The laboratory provides Fujitsu and Ohaus analytical balance as laboratory instruments apparatus.

Liquid Diffusion Coefficient Apparatus

CERB – Armfield-UK has been designed to enable measurement of molecular diffuivities relating to an equimolar counter-diffusion. A unique diffusion cell and conductivity meter are provided to measure precisely the transient mass transfer of NaCl solution.
Flow Measurement Apparatus

H10 – TecQuipment-UK, demonstrates typical methods of measuring the flow of an incompressible fluid (water), including a venturi meter, an orifice plate meter and a rotameter and shows applications of Bernoulli’s equation.
Single-stage Centrifugal Water Pump

The apparatus demonstrates a single-stage centrifugal water pump characteristic in operation. The digital inverter and manometers measure the pump total head and motor shaft power to analyse the pump efficiency. Cavitation test is also provided to investigate.