Activity 3

Improving networking skills and student achievement (guest lectures on hard skills, soft skills, and coaching)

Referring to the results of a survey conducted by the Department of Chemical Engineering (DTK) on alumni who have just graduated with a working period of 0-3 years, it can be concluded that technical competence, interpersonal communication, and English language skills are 3 components that are needed when they start working. in the industry.

To that end, DTK collaborates and coordinates with all stakeholders, namely: departmental advisory boards, chemical engineering alumni both at home and abroad, as well as foreign partners (benchmarking) to receive input. From the results of these discussions and inputs, DTK compiled a hard-skills and soft-skills curriculum starting in the 2020/2021 odd semester. This hard skills curriculum is carried out by inviting practicing lecturers (from industry) to give lectures with material that is in accordance with the subject matter in certain courses (MK) and connecting them with real conditions in the field/industry.

In addition to inviting industry practitioners, the Department also invites foreign professors to give guest lectures at several Constitutional Courts. Besides aiming to increase students’ scientific insight from foreign professors, it is hoped that students’ foreign language skills can also increase. As for the soft skills material, the Department and the advisory board as well as altekimits formed a small team to develop a soft skills curriculum.

In addition to hardskills and softskills lecture activities, DTK also provides assistance and mentoring to improve student achievement, both in national and international competitions as well as entrepreneurship coaching. With this assistance, it is hoped that DTK can create new entrepreneurs who are ready to contribute to the nation. With this independent campus program, it will greatly support and assist the department to carry out the sustainability of the programs that were initiated the previous semester.

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