Water Construction Engineering Technology Applied Undergraduate Program (S.Tr-TRKBA)

The Applied Bachelor Program (S.Tr) has a minimum credit load of 144 credits and is taken within 4 (four) years. If the S-1 (Bachelor) program is an academic education program and is oriented towards scientific development and research, then the Applied Bachelor program is a vocational (applied) program that is more towards the application/application of scientific principles for practical purposes and with the main aim that graduates produced is ready to work.
In addition to academic and technical abilities, TRKBA Applied Bachelor students will also be equipped with the ability to communicate effectively through oral and written media, as well as organizational skills and other soft skills, such as Foreign Language Ability; utilize Information Technology; Knowledge of Professional Ethics & Responsibilities; Personality of High Integrity; Technopreneur; Leadership and Teamwork. Graduates of TRKBA Applied Bachelors can also continue their studies to higher education levels, for example, Masters (S2), Applied Masters (applied Masters), Doctoral (S3), and Applied Doctorate (S3).


The S.Tr – TRKBA curriculum is designed to produce graduates with the competence to become engineers, planning and supervising water structures. To be able to achieve these competencies, the achievement of student competency levels are as follows:

  • 1st year: Ability to draw techniques, language, basic knowledge of science, religion, and nationalism.
  • 2nd Year: The ability to conduct surveying and testing of materials according to the adopted SNI standard / international standard.
  • 3rd Year: Engineering Capability and Flood Control, RAB & Project Scheduling. Water Resources Development Engineering Capability, Irrigation, River Engineering and Morphological Control. Structural Engineering of Water Buildings.
  • 4th Year: Knowledge of Ethics and Legal Aspects in the Construction Industry, K3L Management System, Construction and Maintenance of Water Catchment Buildings.


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