Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals


“SDG 16 and 17 explore some of the underlying factors that are needed in order to ensure delivery of the other SDGs. Peace and Justice go hand in hand – and indeed are vital for equity between people and countries. Supporting this we need our institutions to be strong enough to maintain a focus on delivering the SDGs. This can range from individual justice – eradicating modern slavery and people trafficking – to ensuring that our countries have the evidence base needed to react appropriately to crises.”
(THE Impact Rankings)

University governance measures

ITS MWA Assigns New Members for the Period of 2021-2026 


The tenure of ITS Board of Trustees (MWA) for the 2016-2021 period will end soon. In connection with this, the ITS MWA held a plenary meeting of member elections for the 2021-2026 period, carried out hybrid (offline and online), and took place in the Senate Meeting Room, ITS Rectorate Building, Saturday (19/12)

Student Executive Board (BEM)


The ITS Student Executive Board (BEM) is the highest executive institution in the ITS Student Family (KM). In carrying out its duties and functions, the ITS BEM is responsible to the ITS Student Legislative Body (BLM) which is representative of ITS students. The ITS BEM is tasked with coordinating all student organization activities within the KM ITS scope and also student activities in the socio-political field. In addition, the ITS BEM is authorized to coordinate and instruct the Faculty’s HMD and BEM and to represent the ITS KM out of the approval of the ITS BLM in the socio-political field.

Regulation of Academic Senate No. 3/2015 concerning Member of Board of Trustees 


The members of university’s highest governing body is legalized in the Regulation of Academic Senate No. 3 Year 2015 about Member of Board of Trustees. Board of Trustees consists of Minister, Governor, Rector, Head of Academic Senate, Lecturers who are not the member of Academic Senate, Community Representative, Non-academic Representative, Student Representative, and Alumni Representative.

ITS Surabaya formulated policies to identify stakeholders and has a strong engagement with them. Directorate of Research and Community Services and Business Development and Management Agency are responsible for the task. In general, the identification of potential stakeholders is written in Strategic Planning of Research and Community Services Agency 2016-2020. To response industrial needs, ITS Surabaya also created Industrial Incubation Unit that has activities such as mentoring, coaching & evaluation, accompaniment, training, Focus Group Discussion & business matching, seminar, and workshop.


Rector’s Regulation No. 04708/I2/KM/2009 concerning Students’ Union


Student Organizations


Student Executive Board (BEM)

ITS Surabaya has an existence of participatory bodies to recognize and engage local stakeholders, including local residents, local government, local private, local civil society representatives. The responsibility belongs to the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM). This directorate formulizes and conducts activities related to community outreach that involve not only lecturers and students, but also other stakeholders, from local community, local government, and also non-government organization.


Regulation of Academic Senate ITS No. 3 Year 2017 


Directorate of Research and Comunity Service


Center for Assessment of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment

As a public university, ITS has principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery, that refers to Regulation of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry No. 57/2016 concerning Integrity Zone Development towards Corruption-free zone and Clean Bureaucracy Zone.


ITS Rector’s Decree No. 1179/IT2/HK.00.01/2017


ITS Rector’s Decree No. 1894/IT2/HK.00.01/2018


ITS principles and commitment on organized crime, corruption & bribery

Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.54 Year 2015 about the Statute of ITS, Section 4, Article 28-31, specifically explains about academic pulpit freedom, academic freedom, and scientific autonomy in detail.


Government Regulation No. 54 Year 2015


Government Regulation No. 12 Year 2012


Regulation of ITS Rector Peraturan Rektor ITS No. 32 Year 2020

ITS Surabaya publishes annual financial report in addition to the annual report. The financial report for each year is publicly opened audited by Independent Auditor. The financial report is classified as one of the reports that must be available at anytime based on Regulation of Central Information Commission No. 1/2010 concerning Public Information Service Standards, Article 13.


ITS Financial Report


Rencana Kerja Anggaran dan Tahunan (RKAT)


Informasi yang wajib tersedia setiap saat

Working with government

ITS Lecturers Create a Map of Underdeveloped Villages


A village needs to prepare itself both from data and information that supports sustainable development. Therefore, three lecturers of ITS conducted a community service program by designing maps for underdeveloped villages.

ITS Lecturer Explains a New Idea to Reduce Flood


Floods seem to have become a separate ‘scourge’ for urban areas every time the rainy season arrives, and of course it causes no small amount of losses. Departing from this problem, the lecturer of ITS  studied the impact of high-rise buildings on their contribution to increasing the volume of run off (runoff water) and solutions to overcome them.

ITS Lecturer Explains a Way to Mitigate from 20 Meter Tsunami


A geologist at ITS, Dr Amien Widodo, explained a number of tough ways to mitigate disasters against the tsunami.

Ministry of Transportation to Inspect ITS Research Output at Six Airports


In an effort to support air transportation safety, the Center for Research and Development (Puslitbang) of the Air Transport Research and Development Agency (Balitbang), the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation will inspect further the results of research collaboration with ITS. The research output is in the form of a Standing Water Detector (SWD) and Wind Shear Detector (WSD), which will go through operational tests at six airports in Indonesia.

Helping National Defense, ITS Design A Sophisticated Warships 


As the largest maritime country in the world, Indonesia is in the proper order to have strong maritime defense and security to enforce its sovereignty. ITS soon completed the creation of The Croc, a sophisticated warship that could turn into three modes at a time this year.

ITS Lecturers Create a Map of the Covid-19 Spread in East Java


In the face of the threat of the spread of the corona virus or Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) which is becoming a world pandemic today, ITS as a technology campus continues to promote and encourage efforts to handle the virus with preventive measures. One of them is by making a map of the spread of Covid-19 in East Java.

GLS on SDGs 


ITS as a leading university in the field of science and technology in Indonesia is committed toward the development of engineering and science and also the achievement of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As a part of that commitment, ITS presents Guest Lecture Series (GLS) on SDGs by inviting Lecturers, Experts, and Academicians from all around the world to be speaker for this program. This program is open for ITS students at any level (Undergraduate, Graduate, and Postgraduate) as well as interested global citizens from partner universities.

FGD: “Setting Up Success in the Era of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0”


ITS IoTTP Research Center held an FGD with speakers from PT. Telkom aims to obtain up-to-date information on the direction and goals of Indonesia’s IoT from the perspective of the telecommunications industry and its potential resources.

FGD to Prepare Roadmap for Indepedence of Medical Device


ITS and Airlangga University Surabaya collaborated in a Group Discussion Forum (FGD) via Zoom to prepare a roadmap for the independence of medical devices (Alkes) and pharmacy in Indonesia after the Covid-19 era. In particular, this FGD activity was organized by the ITS Center for Business and Industrial Public Policy Studies.

Preparing For New Normal, ITS Collaborate With Three PTN and Research And Development Agency of Transportation


ITS contributed to the collaboration in response to Covid-19 pandemic impacts and recovery strategies on new normal life orders in the transport sector. This time, ITS and Research and Development Agency (Balitbang) of Transportation by Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and three public universities (PTN) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) virtually related to joint research cooperation.

ITS is Prepared to Help Ngawi District Become A Smart City 


As a Public University in Indonesia, ITS is obliged to do community service. One of the implementation was through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ngawi District Government.

In Full Support of Regional Development, ITS Signs MoU with Batu City Government


ITS once again expanded its collaboration with local governments in Indonesia. This time, ITS and Batu City Government (Pemkot) officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), in relation to their collaboration in regional development project plans, which took place virtually on Tuesday (6/30).



Number of graduates in most recent year


Number of graduates from Law


Percentage of graduates from Law

Sustainable Development Goals > SDG16