ITS News

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April 06, 2023 11:04

Withdraw the Animo, ITS Promotes Admission of New Students for the 2023 SNBT Pathway

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(from right) ITS Director of Education Dr Eng Siti Machmudah ST MEng, Coordinator of Public Relations and Promotion of SNPMB 2023 Dr Ismaini Zain MSi during the 2023 SNBT presentation guided by moderator Ika Nurkasanah from UKP ITS

ITS Campus, ITS News – After the implementation of the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), the process of Admission of New Students (PMB) through the National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT) batch will be carried out from 8 April. For this reason, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) socializes and promotes the acceptance of prospective new students for the 2023 SNBT pathway, both for undergraduate, applied (vocational) undergraduate programs, to international classes in a hybrid manner in the presence of Counseling Guidance (BK) teachers from high school equivalents. East Java from the ITS Research Center (RC) Building Auditorium, Wednesday (5/4).

The State Higher Education Entrance Joint Selection Pathway (SBMPTN), which has now changed its name to SNBT in 2023, is also experiencing several transitions. The main difference lies in the material for the SNBT selection test, even though it uses the same selection method as before, which is based on the Computer-Based Writing Examination (UTBK).

ITS Deputy Chancellor I, Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT, while giving his opening remarks on the socialization and promotion of the 2023 SNBT in the Auditorium of the ITS Research Center Building

The 195-minute test consists of a Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), mathematical reasoning, Indonesian literacy, and English literacy. “The Academic Ability Test (TKA) for Science and Social Sciences has been removed so that students have the opportunity to compete in study programs that are opposite to their specializations during high school,” explained SNPMB Public Relations and Promotion Coordinator Dr Ismaini Zain MSi who was presented as one of the presenters.

Ismaini continued the PMB process for Undergraduate (S1) and Applied Undergraduate (D4) programs is currently taking place simultaneously, no longer separately, as in 2022. Isma emphasized that prospective new students must choose whether to compete at the undergraduate or applied undergraduate levels. “Both undergraduate and D4 levels have an academic quality that is equally promising, so students need not hesitate to compete at the applied undergraduate level,” said the ITS Statistics Department lecturer.

On the same occasion, ITS Education Director Dr Eng Siti Machmudah ST MEng explained that ITS provides seven faculties with a total of 92 study programs in them. The 92 study programs consist of 37 undergraduate programs and 8 D4 study programs.

The Dean of the ITS Vocational Faculty, Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD explained the advantages of vocation through socialization and promotion of SNBT 2023 at ITS

Not only that, but this year ITS also has a new faculty, namely the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK), which oversees three departments, namely Biomedical Engineering, Medical Technology, and Medicine. But for Medicine itself, it will only be opened through the Independent and Partnership selection pathways in 2023.

The lecturer, usually called Machmudah, continued participants applying for the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) College scholarship also need not worry because all participants have the same opportunity. “The quota for KIP Scholarship holders at ITS itself is quite a lot, so there’s nothing to worry about,” said the Department of Chemical Engineering ITS lecturer.

The 2023 SNBT Socialization and Promotion event was closed with a direct presentation by the Dean of the Vocational Faculty (FV) ITS Prof. Ir Muhammad Sigit Darmawan MEngSc PhD, who introduced more profound vocational education. In his presentation, Sigit straightened out the negative stigma in society regarding career paths for long-term vocational graduates or D4 graduates. Sigit said that the future career opportunities for D4 graduates were outstanding because of a more specific material study, where 60 percent of the lectures were filled with industrial internships and solving real problems in the field.

Students of the ITS Electrical Automation Engineering Department (right) presented the results of an ITS vocational student project to one of the high school teachers participating in the 2023 SNBT socialization and promotion

The particular point of FV ITS is the learning pattern of Project-Based Learning and Lab-Based Learning, so students don’t just learn in class but can directly implement their knowledge into the industry. Sigit revealed that FV ITS students must take an industrial internship of 14 credit credits during lectures.

“It is this factor that makes ITS Vocational Faculty graduates ready to work in industry, with more than 80 percent of graduates already getting jobs with a waiting period of under six months,” he assured.

Besides opening domestic opportunities, ITS FV students also participate in the international sphere. Several international collaborations between FV ITS and foreign universities provide opportunities such as student exchanges, industrial internships, and continuing higher education internationally.

ITS leadership, along with participants in the 2023 SNBT socialization and promotion consisting of counseling teachers and several high school students of the same level who attended directly at ITS

Opportunities for the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program, echoed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), are also very wide open. For example, eight FV ITS students were selected as recipients of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) scholarship program.

Finally, ITS Deputy Chancellor I for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir Adi Soeprijanto MT, who also opened the event, hopes that all prospective students can successfully undergo selection to enter PTN this year and can get the best education, especially at ITS. “Congratulations to the students who have succeeded in the previous SNBP route, and good luck to the 2023 SNBT participants,” he said. (ITS PR)

Reporter: Frecia Elrivia Mardianto

Translator : Hanifah Inayah

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