ITS Campus, ITS News — The commitment of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to continuously improve the quality of learning in the realm of medicine is increasingly firm. This time, the ITS Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK) inaugurated the Technology Display and Digital Cadaver in the FKK ITS lobby on Wednesday (7/8).
Deputy Dean of FKK ITS, Dr. Ir Adhi Dharma Wibawa ST MT, revealed that the presence of technology product displays and digital cadavers is prioritized to become a learning medium for FKK ITS students. In addition, the presence of this product is also intended to create a comprehensive academic atmosphere and become a promotional medium for FKK ITS in the public eye. “Moreover, FKK ITS is often visited by students and medical institutions from various regions in Indonesia,” he said.
Furthermore, Adhi explained that the technology exhibits resulted from innovation and research from lecturers and students of FKK ITS. The presence of this medical technology product is also a reflection of ITS’s seriousness in answering the challenges of problems in the health domain. The technology displayed starts from medical devices in bone surgery, such as Craniofacial Distractors, portable endoscopy devices, and other cutting-edge products.
Digital cadavers support anatomy learning as a concrete form of acceleration of education and teaching at FKK ITS. According to the ITS Medical Technology Department lecturer, the procurement of this product answers the problem of anatomical learning media with real cadavers, which are increasingly difficult to reach. “Starting in terms of durability, cost, and scope of use,” he said.
Through this table-shaped tool that can display the human body virtually, students can learn surgical simulations similar to real cadavers. With various features, students can simulate general surgery and transverse sectioning per desired body part. This tool is also equipped with detailed information related to each part of the human body.
Responding to the presence of this technology, ITS Rector Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD said this aligns with ITS’s vision to collaborate between technology and medicine. Bambang expects the existence of this high-tech, sophisticated equipment to be a model for students of the ITS Medical Technology Department to be able to create similar tools. “Of course, with better and more sophisticated features,” he added.
Lecturer of the FKK ITS Medical Profession Education Study Program, Dr. Tri Hedianto SpTHT-KL, when explaining various technology display products at FKK ITS
In the future, the lecturer at the ITS Mechanical Engineering Department hopes that the products displayed and inaugurated will continue to be further developed through comprehensive downstream. This commitment has also begun withholding distribution testing and other tests of products made by ITS academics. “This effort is also to expand the usefulness of ITS both for the world of education and society,” he emphasized.
A symbolic process of pressing the display button and signing the inscription was also carried out to inaugurate the technology display and use this digital cadaver. The signing was carried out directly by Bambang and ITS Rector for the 2019-2024 period, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, accompanied by other ITS officials. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani
Translator: Lael Soebakir
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