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09 Agustus 2018, 02:08

State University of Padang visit ITS

Oleh : itskpm | | Source : -

State University of Padang visit ITS-08082016
State University of Padang ITS visit in order to learn the SIM in ITS on August 8, 2016
-Attended by Rector of the UNP, WR2, a team of finance and ICT team
-The event was opened by ITS Rector, attended by ITS WR2, ka, ka LPTSI BPS, ka Financial Bureau
1. The event began with a presentation from ka LPTSI, Mr. Febriliyan Samopa, which describes:

  • LPTSI duties and responsibilities as the backbone in ITS business processes,
  • on any SIM in ITS,
  • the architecture of the SIM,
  • infrastructure and network topology that is in ITS

2. The next presentation was by Mr. Mashuri is:

  • about SIM in BPS that starts from sipmaba to simremun.

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