Student Creativity Program

The Student Creativity Program (PKM)

The Student Creativity Program (PKM) is a program created by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) of the Republic of Indonesia to provide opportunities for students to realize their creativity through financial assistance. There are several categories of programs funded through PKM, namely the field of research (PKM-P), the field of entrepreneurship (PKM-K), the field of community service (PKM-M), the field of Technology Application (PKM-T), the field of creative initiatives (PKM- KC), the field of written ideas (PKM-GT), the field of scientific articles (PKM-AI), and the field of constructive futuristic ideas (PKM-GFK). Apart from that, PKM also accommodates the categories of written ideas and scientific articles and provides incentives for the best programs. Further information regarding PKM,

TM Liga PKM ITS 2024 has just finished… For friends who missed the explanation of the material
Friends, you can access the ITS 2024 PKM League TM Material and Records at the following link

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