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    Become an Information Technology Study Program through the development of Cyber Security and Internet-based Technology that supports the sustainable development of Smart City until 2022.


    The mission of the Information Technology Department includes aspects of education, research and community service (Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi), namely:

    1. Organizing education and teaching of Information Technology by using an adaptive curriculum, oriented towards the future and supported by qualified Human Resources and adequate facilities.
    2. Carry out quality research in the field of Cyber Security and the Internet of Things for Smart City technology.
    3. Establish partnerships with domestic and foreign agencies.
    4. Organizing community service in the form of training, counseling, application of research results for the development of potential and empowerment of regional communities.


    1. Produce graduates who have expertise in Cyber Security, Application Security, the Internet of Things for Smart City technology, System Integration, and Cloud Services where each has a certified program, thus supporting independence to compete at the national level.
    2. Produce research and publications in national / international journals.
    3. Acting actively in the field of Information Technology activities at national and international levels.
    4. Contribute to improving the quality of life of the community through community service activities
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