Alumni Activities

Alumni Activities

IKA-Tekins ITS believes that contribution is a must to do so that the alumni of the department have several activities to the development of the department, such that:

Instrumentation engineering department and the alumni periodically conduct the annual meeting to evaluate and improve education which is in line with the current issues. Alumni can give suggestion to the lecturers which then are discussed in the department meetings

Through various guest lectures from industry, students get an overview of the challenges and opportunities in the world of work, as well as what skills (hard and soft skills) determine in the world of work. Guest lecture from the Alumni has been arranged by the department to give deep elaboration from what is explained in the class

To give a chance for students to do fieldwork in order to apply the science in the course to the real application

To let the students in the department to industrial visits to where the alumni work and give real experiences

To regularly conduct gathering to tight the bonds among the members via iftaar, halal bi halal and the anniversary of the department

To financially assist various events being conducted by the board or department as well as the natural disasters in Indonesia

To massively promote the Instrumentation Engineering department

To inform the job vacancy to other alumni or fresh graduate in the department

To open the chance of joint-research among the members