Diploma-III Programme

Diploma-III Programme

The Instrumentation Engineering Department is one of department in Vocational Faculty, Institut
Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). The Instrumentation Engineering has a vision, to be the
excellent vocational education center and research center of instrumentation engineering to
support national and international industries. The students of Instrumentation Engineering have
been prepared to be a proficient in designing and analyzing industrial requirements. We also
preparing our student to be able to design, operate, troubleshoot, service and maintain industrial
The alumni of Diploma-III Instrumentation Technology have three competencies, i.e. main
competencies, secondary competencies and other competencies. The main competencies are the
main characteristics of Instrumentation Technologist which has been agreed between the
stakeholders. Secondary competencies and other competencies are specific and closely related to
the main competencies set by ITS. The competencies of courses involve personality, sains and
skill, ability to work, attitude, and behavior in work. The student outcomes refers to the
guidelines of Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher
Education, Ministry of Education and Culture.

The curriculum of Diploma-III Instrumentation Technology is the 2018-2023 curriculum, that has been arranged and agreed by stakeholders. This curriculum is designed to prepare our student to be competent in the field of instrumentation engineering and have the following special skills:

  1. Indentifiying, operating, and maintaining of instrumentation system through relevant and recent methods for monitoring, controlling and safety of system in industrial field
  2. Measuring quantity using measurement devices and standard methods accompanied by validation measurement
  3. Reading, making, and interpreting instrument drawing
  4. Applying and testing performance of control system.
  5. Choosing, setting up, operating, and maintaining sensor, transmitter, actuator, and controller
  6. Using and operating a standart comunication protocol
  7. Reading and writing a program using structured-text and object-oriented programming language
  8. Operate any kind of controller
  9. Understanding standards and code in industrial sector.
  10. Demonstrating, calculating and applying a mathematic model of dynamic system
  11. Calibrating associated with the physical quantities

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