Greeting from Head of Department

Dr.techn Umboro Lasminto, ST., M.Sc.

Welcome to the Official Website of the Department of civil engineering, FTSPK-ITS.

Department of Civil Engineering (DTS) is one of the oldest and largest Department in ITS. DTS has a vision to become the “Resource Center” field of civil engineering in Indonesia. For that we provide the best resources, such as teaching staff qualified doctoral graduates abroad and within the country. Our study supporting facilities designed to facilitate teaching and learning-based Student Centered Learning (SCL) and Lab-Based Education (LBE).

The Civil Engineering Department has field of study: Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral with accredited “A” at the National level (BAN-PT) and international (AUN-QA). Civil engineering curriculum is designed so that students have the hard skills and soft skills match the needs of research and the construction industry, and are ready to collaborate and compete globally.

This website contains information on the Department of Civil Engineering, such as profile departments, faculty, study Information and academic (curriculum), and Laboratory services, and teaching and learning facilities as well as supporting facilities for not only is civitas academic of civil engineering.

Finally, we congratulate looking for information on our official web, may be beneficial for all of us. We believe there are still deficiencies in the General information about the Department of Civil Engineering at this website. We therefore kindly beg to be able to provide critique and suggestions that are built to us.


