Diploma III

Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering (DTKI)

Department of Industrial Chemical Engineering (DTKI)The Diploma 3 (three) Chemical Engineering Study Program since its inception in 1985 to March 2017 has successfully graduated 1689 skilled experts, with the majority of graduates working in various industrial sectors, including petrochemicals, oil & gas, cement, food & beverages , paper, rubber & plastics, pharmaceuticals, textiles, power plants etc. Besides working in the industry, there are some graduates who work in the financial industry, and there are also those in the government as bureaucrats, research assistants in research and development institutions, and there are also those who succeed in becoming entrepreneurs.Graduates have competence in the field of chemical industry process operations, supervision, managerial skills guidance, environmentally sound, technology-oriented, and have the readiness to develop further.
The Study Program has successfully fostered student achievement to compete at the national level by reaching national high-achieving students in 2016, while at the global level, participating in the 2015 International Student Paper Contest agenda, the International Student Conference in Asia Africa 2016, and the 2015 ASEAN Leaders Conference.Since the beginning of 2017, this diploma education program is in the ITS Vocational Faculty, becoming the Industrial Chemical Engineering Department (DTKI), and is currently developing a diploma 4 (applied undergraduate) study program in the field of industrial chemical engineering technology which is planned to accept new students in 2018.

Industrial Chemical Engineering DIII Study Program ITS Vocational Faculty: Become a superior and leading provider of DIII Vocational Education Education in producing HR professionals in the field of Industrial Chemical Engineering and able to compete at national and regional levels
Industrial Chemical Engineering DIII Study Program ITS Vocational Faculty:
  1. Organizing quality vocational education in the field of Industrial Chemical Engineering and having a personality, dedication to work and environment and Technopreneur spirit
  2. Develop applied research and community service through the application of science and technology in the field of Industrial Chemical Engineering
  3. Develop cooperation with the world of industry and local governments
  4. Management of study program management in a transparent, accountable and resposibility manner

Competence Graduates of Industrial Chemical Engineering, Vocational Faculty, ITS have competencies in the field of chemical industry process operations, supervision, guidance in managerial skills, environmentally sound, technology-oriented, and have the readiness to develop further

Graduate Profile The graduate profile is a role that is expected to be carried out by study program graduates in the community or the world of work, or the answer to the question: “After graduation, what will be the graduates of this study program?” measure the success / failure of a study program curriculum to produce graduates with the desired competencies.The Chemical Technology Diploma Three (D3) Study Program since its inception in 1985 to August 2017 has succeeded in graduating 1783 skilled midshipmen, most of the graduates work in various industrial sectors, including petrochemical, oil & gas, cement, food & beverage, paper , rubber & plastics, pharmaceuticals, textiles, power plants etc.