
Join Department of Ocean Engineering!

Admission programs of Department of Ocean Engineering are integrally managed by the Bureau of Education and Student Welfare Administration (BAPKM).

For further information, visit here.

The new student admission selection program for the bachelor degree at ITS refers to the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Permenristekdikti) Regulation Number 2 of 2015, related to New Student Admission for Undergraduate Programs at State Universities, as amended by Regulation Number 45 of 2015.

The admission program is carried out through 3 selection paths, namely :

  1. State University National Entrance Exam (SNMPTN)
  2. Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN)
  3. Partnership Program (PKM)

The capacity of new undergraduate students for each study program is accepted through SNMPTN 30%, through SBMPTN 40%, and through partnership program 30%.

Information on the requirements and procedures of admission program for the graduate study program can be seen on the official website:

Graduate Study Program of ITS 

For information about the requirement and how to apply to ITS, please click here.

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