Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals


“SDG 16 and 17 explore some of the underlying factors that are needed in order to ensure delivery of the other SDGs. Peace and Justice go hand in hand – and indeed are vital for equity between people and countries. Supporting this we need our institutions to be strong enough to maintain a focus on delivering the SDGs. This can range from individual justice – eradicating modern slavery and people trafficking – to ensuring that our countries have the evidence base needed to react appropriately to crises.”
(THE Impact Rankings)

University Governance Measures

ITS MWA Members for 2021-2026 Period


The Board of Trustees (MWA) consists of the Minister, Governor, Rector, Head of the Academic Senate, Lecturers who are not members of the Academic Senate, Community Representative, Non-academic Representative, Student Representative, and Alumni Representative. MWA is in charge of selecting, dismissing, and appointing the chancellor.

ITS MWA Assigns New Members for the Period of 2021-2026

The tenure of the ITS Board of Trustees (MWA) for the 2016-2021 period already ended. In connection with this, the ITS MWA held a plenary meeting of member elections for the 2021-2026 period. ITS MWA consisted of six lecturers, four community representatives, one academic staff element, one student representative, and one alumni representative. There are also ex officio members, namely ministers and governors.

Student Executive Board (BEM)


The ITS Student Executive Board (BEM) is the highest executive institution in the ITS Student Family (KM). In carrying out its duties and functions, the ITS BEM is responsible to the ITS Student Legislative Body (BLM) which is representative of ITS students. The ITS BEM is tasked with coordinating all student organization activities within the KM ITS scope and also student activities in the socio-political field. In addition, the ITS BEM is authorized to coordinate and instruct the Faculty’s Student association and Departement’s Student Associations and to represent the ITS KM out of the approval of the ITS BLM in the socio-political field.


List of Department Student Associations Websites


ITS has 39 departments spread over the faculties. In each department, there is a department student association that could facilitate students’ activities to carry out academic and non-academic activities. With the websites of every department, they could publish and report any activities held by the students’ departments to be publicly accessed.

ITS Surabaya has an existence of participatory bodies to recognize and engage local stakeholders, including local residents, local government, local private, and local civil society representatives. The responsibility belongs to the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM). The DPRM created the community service guide with the aim of meeting writing standards proposals, progress reports, and final reports as mandated in the community service guides quality standards in the ITS environment referring to the master plan ITS development (RENIP) 2015-2040 period and ITS strategic plan (RENSTRA) community service for the 2021-2025 period.

Community Service Guide for ITS Fund 2022

Community Service Proposal Guide Summary

The Directorate of Research and Community Services is Responsible for Providing Engagement with External Stakeholders


ITS has a participatory body to recognize and engage with local stakeholders, including local residents, local government, local private, and local civil society representatives, which is the Directorate of Research and Community Services.


BPPU-ITS Industrial Incubator


BPPU-ITS Industrial Incubator’s ass is an assistance program for ITS business startups in the early stages of business. BPPU-ITS’ aim is to become a leading technology business Incubator among universities and a center for the development of technology innovation-based entrepreneurship in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. There are various incubation activities, such as mentoring, coaching, training, and facilitation activities. Each activity will be given a different learning curriculum according to the stage group.

As a public university, ITS has principles and commitments on organized crime, corruption & bribery, which refers to Regulation of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry No. 57/2016 concerning Integrity Zone Development toward Corruption-free zone and Clean Bureaucracy Zone.


FSAD Integrity Zone


The Faculty of Science and Data Analytics at ITS has become an exemplary model among the other faculties. This is due to its successful appointment as an integrity zone within ITS environment. This accomplishment is highly beneficial as it ensures that the institution continually strives to improve in delivering high-quality services to the community, and become more transparent and accountable. This not only benefits the community but also the institution itself by promoting a culture of integrity and accountability.


The Director General of Higher Education Inaugurates the Integrity Zone in the ITS FSAD Environment


To achieve a corruption-free campus at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), the Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbud Ristek) Prof. Ir Nizam MSc DIC PhD IPU ASEAN Eng approved the establishment of Integrity Zones within the Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD) at ITS. During the event, the leadership within FSAD also committed and signed the Integrity Pact at the ITS Rectorate Building.

Government Regulation No. 54 Year 2015


Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No.54 Year 2015 about the Statute of ITS, Section 4, Article 28-31, specifically explains about academic pulpit freedom, academic freedom, and scientific autonomy in detail.


Rector Regulation No. 32 Year 2020


The ITS Statutes, as outlined in PP No. 54 of 2015, provide for the protection of the freedom of academic speech at ITS. However, it should be noted that this policy may not be fully enforced at the institutional level due to its nature as a PP.

ITS Financial Report


ITS Surabaya publishes annual financial reports in addition to the annual report. The financial report for each year is publicly opened and audited by Independent Auditor. The financial report is classified as one of the reports that must be available at any time based on the Regulation of Central Information Commission No. 1/2010 concerning Public Information Service Standards.

Working with Government

ITS and Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Discuss Kampus Merdeka for Educational Change


The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) continues to promote the continuity of the government’s innovation program to advance higher education. Through the Kampus Merdeka Dialogue, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA socialized the Free Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) program with leaders and student representatives of State Universities (PTN) and Private (PTS) throughout East Java.

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Appreciates ITS Role in Developing Digital Asset Management Systems


ITS through the Community Service Program (KKN Abmas) team initiated the development of an Infrastructure, Facilities, and Utilities (PSU) asset management system in Sidoarjo Regency. This received direct support and appreciation from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Collaboration between ITS and the Ministry of Communication and Information in Welcoming the Industrial Revolution 4.0


In order to improve the skills and competitiveness of human resources (HR) in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) collaborated with the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) to form programs and training to welcome the industrial revolution 4.0.

ITS Holds SDGs Data Collection Training in The Regency of Sidoarjo


ITS is committed to improving the quality of Human Resources (HR) for data processing in Sidoarjo Regency. Through collaboration with the local government, ITS conducted data collection training for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program to help measure regional progress.

ITS and The Mayor of Kediri Collaborate on Waste Management Research with the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE)


The Mayor of Kediri, Abdullah Abu Bakar, is collaborating on Waste Management Research with the Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) and ITS. This is an effort to handle waste in the City of Kediri. This research on solid waste management leads to the creation or improvement of networks and partnerships in terms of handling waste in the city of Kediri.

ITS Community Service Develops Micro Hydro Power Plant Potential in Probolinggo


Several areas in Indonesia have the potential for very abundant water flows, one of which is in Duren Village, Gading District, Probolinggo Regency. This prompted the Community Service Lecture and Community Service (KKN Abmas) team, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD) of ITS to go directly into developing water management through a Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH).

Minister of Education and Culture Discusses Independent Campus at ITS for Educational Change


The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) continues to promote the continuity of the government’s innovation program to advance higher education. Through the Kampus Merdeka Dialogue, the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim BA MBA socialized the Free Learning – Independent Campus (MBKM) program with leaders and student representatives of State Universities (PTN) and Private (PTS) throughout East Java

ITS Geophysics Engineering Department Advisory Board

The Advisory board is responsible for giving consideration and input related to vision, mission, goals, work programs, and strategy development Also becomes facilitator to partner units (stakeholders) to develop student competencies/support learning, etc.



Number of Graduates in Most Recent Year


Number of Graduates from Law


Percentage of Graduates from Law

Sustainable Development Goals > SDG16 > SDG16