Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals
August 22, 2022 10:08

Water Resource Training (WARNING)

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Water Resource Training (WARNING) was held by the Environmental Lovers (PLH) Siklus Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS). The workshop was held in order to protect and preserve water resources (SDA) through conservation measures. This workshop event is part of the Conservation and Expedition (CSE) Siklus: Kalimas River series. WARNING assisted participants with carrying out the sampling and analysis agenda, which was held at three locations along the Kalimas River. WARNING is an excellent first step toward learning how to conserve water. PLH Siklus ITS believes that this event will provide participants with information on how to preserve the watershed area healthy and comfortable through effective natural resource management.

The participants were conducting biotilic procedures to determine the water’s health.

Natural resource conservation requires four steps: protection and preservation of natural resources, preservation, quality management, and water pollution control. Protection and preservation are actions taken to protect natural resources and their environments from natural and human-caused problems. Land management is one of the outcomes of applying this component. The second and third components, namely water quality protection and management, are equivalent. The goal of preservation is to keep water present and available, as well as the quantity and quality of water. This method is applicable to both groundwater and surface water, including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, marshes, and other puddles. This preservation component can be met by regulating the quantity and quality of water through irrigation. The final step is to control water contamination. This component can be met by preventing water contamination from entering natural resources and infrastructure. One of these is accomplished through the technical treatment of industrial and domestic waste products.

Researchers from Ecological Observation and Wetland Conservation (Ecoton)

The community itself in fact still plays a less role in water conservation. According to PLH Siklus’s poll, 70% of respondents had never participated in a water conservation program. This emphasizes the importance of re-echoing water conservation through river pollution control. The workshop not only presented the subject, but also taught the participants how to detect water quality directly. Biotilik, often known as biomonitoring, is a method of monitoring river health that employs macroinvertebrate indicators. The outcomes of this method will provide clues to environmental perturbations in river ecosystems, allowing for the formulation of appropriate countermeasures.


Source: ITS News (Edited)

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Sustainable Development Goals > Uncategorized > Water Resource Training (WARNING)