
Pemberitahuan Luaran Video Abmas

Mon, 07 Feb 2022
6:10 pm
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Oleh : dotalfianprast   |

In order to improve the performance of Community Service (Abmas) and according to the 2020 ITS Fund Abmas guideline, one of Abmas’ outputs is a video that has IPR, hereby we inform you of the following:
1. ITS Abmas Fund Video Output Must have HKI

2. Videos that already have IPR are registered at the link to be uploaded on Youtube DRPM ITS
3. Only Video URLs from ITS Youtube DRPM can be used as Output URLs

IPR registration must be done through the Technology Transfer Office, DIKST ITS.

For your attention and cooperation we extend our thanks.


1. Surat Pemberitahuan Luaran Video Abmas

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