
PDPM ITS Presents the Results of the 2020 Tulungagung Regency Community Development Index Study

Mon, 07 Feb 2022
5:26 pm

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On November 30, 2020, PDPM ITS paid a visit to the Tulungagung Regency Communication and Information Office. The purpose of this visit was to give a presentation on the calculation of the Tulungagung Regency Community Development Index. The presentation of this study was attended by representatives of the local government and local government organizations (OPD). Meanwhile, PDPM ITS was represented by Pak Soedarso as deputy head of PDPM and Pak Imam Safawi, as an expert in preparing the Community Development Index (IPMas) activity for Tulungagung Regency in 2020.

The activity began with an opening by representatives of the Tulungagung Regency Government, then continued with the presentation of the results of the 2020 Community Development Index calculation conducted by PDPM ITS. Next, a question and answer session was held between OPD participants and the ITS lecturer team. The discussion was interesting and effective. The results of the study show that the Community Development Index of Tulungagung Regency has increased compared to the previous year as well as the three dimensions of Mutual Cooperation, Tolerance, and Security.

According to the deputy head of PDPM ITS, Dr. Soedarso, M.S, “Every year there is growing awareness of the people of Tulungagung Regency to be cooperative towards others. This is evidenced by the value of the gotong royong dimension which is far above the security dimension.”

In the future, both the Tulungagung Regency Government and PDPM ITS as the compilers of the 2020 IPMas study hope that the calculation of IPMas numbers is routinely carried out so that changes in the social conditions of the community can be seen, so that the policies taken will be in accordance with the conditions that occur.

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