
Notification of Conversion of Even Semester Thematic KKN Courses 2020/2021

Mon, 07 Feb 2022
3:59 pm
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In connection with the Conversion of Even Semester 2020/2021 Thematic KKN Courses according to the Independent Learning Campus Independent Program (MBKM), hereby please inform students of the following provisions:

A. KKN Conversion

  1. Every ITS Student is required to take at least 1 Enrichment Course
  2. The Thematic KKN MK is one of the MKs in the Enrichment MK group (ITS Chancellor Regulation No. 23 of 2020 and ITS Chancellor’s Regulation No. 25 of 2020)
  3. Especially for Applied Undergraduate Students who do not have an Enrichment Court, they can convert to one of the Study Program Courts (determined by each Study Program)
  4. There are no lecture activities, the value of the Field Supervisor will be automatically filled at the end of the semester

B. KKN Terms

  1. Students who have completed KKN (KKN Abmas, KKN Ambassadors of Behavior Change, etc.) in 2020 can convert KKN activities into Thematic KKN Courses (3 credits)
  2. Conversion can be done if you have passed a minimum of 90 credits
  3. Have completed reporting and recorded at (no later than March 31, 2021)
  4. For students who have completed KKN activities but are not yet in, then you have to finish reporting first on the link and can join WA to

We thank you for your attention and cooperation.



  1. Surat Pemberitahuan Konversi Mata Kuliah KKN Tematik Semester Genap 2020/2021
  2. Peraturan Rektor Nomor 23 Tahun 2020 ttg Perubahan PerTor 32 Tahun 2019 ttg Perat Akademik Tahun 2019
  3. Peraturan Rektor No 25 Tahun 2020 ttg Pedoman Evaluasi Kurikulum VOKASI

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