
Mojokerto City PD KPI in 2021 Must Adjust RPJMD

Sun, 06 Feb 2022
9:42 pm
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On Tuesday, November 16, 2021, the Center for the Study of Regional Potential and Community Empowerment (PDPM) of ITS delivered the results of an evaluation study on the preparation of the main performance indicators (IKU) of the Mojokerto City Government (PD) in 2021. The presentation was held in the Telecenter Room of Graha Mojokerto Service City (GMSC). This activity was attended by Mojokerto City Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD). The evaluation of the PD KPI is to align the vision and mission of the Mojokerto City Government with the achievement targets, programs and activities carried out by the Mojokerto City Government OPD.

This activity was organized by the Department of Communication and Information of the Mojokerto City Government as the OPD responsible for one Indonesian data in the Mojokerto City Government. The output of this data serves as a reference for all information used by the Mojokerto City Government for planning, budgeting, program implementation and evaluation. So that all targets and achievements of the OPD program are measurable.

Dr. Sutikno, M.Sc. The Head of the PDPM Study Center said that the purpose of the PD KPI evaluation was to see to what extent the programs and activities that have been implemented by the OPD were appropriate and supported the achievement of the vision and mission of the Mojokerto City Government. What factors support the achievement of the PD KPI target, what causes the PD KPI target has not been achieved and the strategy for accelerating the PD KPI target. The data used by PDPM ITS is secondary data from the RPJMD of Mojokerto City for 2019-2023, LKPJ of the Mayor of Mojokerto in 2020 and LPPD of Mojokerto City in 2020. There are some data that need to be clarified to the OPD. In this forum, the ITS PDPM Team wants to clarify and verify data. Is the data entered is correct. The evaluation methodology used by ITS refers to the Bappenas method in evaluating the achievement of national development planning targets.

Dr. Sutikno conveyed the evaluation of the Mojokerto City PD KPI in 2021

The results of the evaluation, there are several PD KPI targets that have been achieved 100%, have not been achieved 100% and some are still 0%. Several factors that have not been achieved 100% of the PD IKU target are (1) The regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture 17 of 2017 regarding the limitation of rombel and Permendikbud 44 of 2019 regarding the acceptance of new students, zoning students, (2) There is a refocusing of the budget so that the process of procuring goods and services delayed or cancelled, (3) There is no Perda/Perkada that regulates illegal excise, so it cannot be implemented, (4) Migration of population (pregnant women, toddlers) is not reported/recorded, so there is missing data in the health database, (5) Miscommunication during program implementation so that it changes the community’s assumptions about the provision of clean water infrastructure and (6) Several Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD) programs are not accommodated by the 2020 Regional Work Plan (RKPD).

ITS provides recommendations so that the Mojokerto City IKU PD target can be achieved. ITS recommendations include the momentum for strengthening One Indonesia Data in Mojokerto City, it is necessary to start fulfilling data for measuring RPJMD KPI achievements from basic data to index data, both program/activity achievements and KPI goals and objectives. Strengthening the synergy of cooperation between OPDs in filling out program/activity achievements periodically through an integrated e-evaluation system. Each OPD in the preparation of program achievement targets must refer to the KPI goals and objectives, so that program/activity linearity will be achieved with respect to the KPI targets and objectives. This will create consistency between the programs listed in the RPJMD, RKPD, and APBD. With the changes in the KPI, the new Goals and Targets in the RPJMD starting in 2021, such as: the peace and order index, regional fiscal capacity, so that a responsible OPD must be prepared to oversee these indicators. There are still Target KPIs for which there are still no targets and achievements, including: the SPBE index, the risk management index, especially in 2020, so they need to be resolved immediately. Efforts to develop community economic recovery programs are a top priority. (sgh)

OPD participating in the IKU PD evaluation in Mojokerto City

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