
Ministry of Social Affairs and ITS Distribute Aid for Business Production Tools and Materials

Sun, 06 Feb 2022
10:10 pm
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The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemensos) and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya distributed aid for production tools and materials for beneficiary group businesses (KPM) in Lumajang Regency. The distribution of tools and materials for business production is part of a series of business mentoring activities for the Social Entrepreneurship Program (ProKUS) in Lumajang Regency in 2021. In Lumajang Regency there are 300 ProKUS target KPMs spread across four sub-districts. Namely in the districts of Kunir, Sukodono, Lumajang and Yosowilangun. The distribution is carried out by 12 mentors who have been identifying and assisting KPM businesses. The production tools and materials provided are based on the wishes of the KPM and the assessment mentor. So that the tools and production materials provided can be utilized optimally by KPM to increase production and business. The production tools and materials provided are in accordance with the KPM business profile.

Dimas Trisna Aji Prasetyo, a ProKUS mentor in Kunir District, said that the mentor’s job is to identify KPM candidates, assess KPM businesses, and provide business assistance. This includes purchasing and distributing production tools and materials for KPM. In Kunir District, Lumajang Regency, there are 100 KPM. Meanwhile, there are 4 mentors on duty in Kunir District. They are Dimas Trisna Aji Prasetyo, Ardi Krisbyanto, Yulia Herawati and Dimas Sarwo Edy Nugroho.

KPM Sunarwin, Karanglo Village, Kunir Subdistrict, received business equipment assistance

One of the beneficiaries of the ProKUS business mentoring activity in Lumajang Regency is Mrs. Sunarwin. This resident who lives in Karanglo Village, Kunir District, has a business selling cilot and meatballs. Mrs. Sunarwin was very happy to receive the assistance of a gas stove and boiler from the Ministry of Social’s Social Entrepreneurship Program. The gas stoves and boilers received will be used to increase the production of meatballs and cilot. Mrs. Sunarwin hopes that this ProKUS will increase her knowledge of online marketing and business financial management. And can increase sales of meatball and cilot owned businesses.

Rujinah KPM Desa Kuning Lor received a gas stove and a frying pan for the peanut brittle business

ProKUS is a program from the Ministry of Social Affairs to build socio-economic independence for the poor and vulnerable, especially recipients of the Family Hope Program (PKH). The requirements for the ProKUS KPM candidate are to be registered and active as a recipient of the Family Hope Program (PKH) and have a business. Whatever business the KPM candidate has. With this business mentoring for ProKUS, it is hoped that KPM can increase knowledge of its business products, know the business model that is being carried out and can increase sales and business profits. The ITS ProKUS team consists of an Incubator and innovative business services (ILBI) Directorate of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) in synergy with the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) ITS.(sgh)

KPM Sumiati Eka, Munder Village, Yosowilangun District, received assistance for business production tools and materials

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