
ITS and the Ministry of Social Affairs Improve PKH Economic Enterprises through ProKUS

Sun, 06 Feb 2022
10:02 pm
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Tuesday, December 14, 2021 the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya held a socialization of Business Mentoring for the Social Entrepreneurship Program (ProKUS) in Lumajang Regency. This activity was carried out at the Lumajang District Social Service Hall. This activity was attended by the PKH District Coordinator, District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), the Camat and the Family Hope Program (PKH) companion.

Nira Fitri Aviana, S.Sos, Head of Social Handling and Empowerment of the Lumajang Regency Social Service said that ProKUS is one of the government’s programs for poverty reduction. There are many government programs from the ministry of social affairs, social services and other ministries/institutions in poverty alleviation. Such as PKH, non-cash food assistance programs, the East Java Provincial Government Puspa program and others. All of this aims to reduce poverty and improve the welfare of the community, especially the underprivileged. This ProKUS activity is expected to get support from the sub-district head, TKSK and PKH assistants. Because the ProKUS beneficiary group (KPM) is a PKH recipient who has a business.

Participants in the socialization of ProKUS business mentoring in Lumajang Regency

Dr. Soedarso, Head of the ITS ProKUS Team, said that the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemensos) appointed 26 incubator institutions to carry out ProKUS business mentoring in 33 districts/cities in Indonesia. ITS received a mandate from the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemensos) to carry out Business Mentoring activities for ProKUS in Lumajang Regency. In East Java Province, ProKUS business mentoring is found in Mojokerto Regency by Unair Surabaya, Probolinggo Regency by UPN Veterans Surabaya and in Malang Regency by Unibraw Malang. The ITS ProKUS team in Lumajang Regency is an Incubator and Innovative Business Services (ILBI) Directorate of Innovation and Science Technology Area (DIKST) in synergy with the Center for Regional Potential Studies and Community Empowerment (PDPM) Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM).

Mr. Jawawi, PKH assistant, asked a question

The ProKUS KPM in Lumajang Regency is 300 KPM with the condition that PKH recipients are active and have businesses. Whatever the effort, PKH. The purpose of ProKUS business mentoring is to build the socio-economic independence of the poor and vulnerable (PKH recipients) by taking advantage of market opportunities, personal potential, assets and other resources. The output targets of ProKUS business mentoring are stable KPM business and profits, increasing saving habits, business financial records/reports, accompanying business legality (NIB), assisting business product legality (PIRT, Halal), financial access literacy, KPM product expo and business matching KPM with stakeholders/offtakers.

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