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May 27, 2024 00:05

Supports Business Digitalization, ITS Launches Digital Business Undergraduate Program

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Peresmian Prodi S1 Bisnis Digital ITS secara simbolis oleh (dari kiri) Direktur Ekonomi

Inauguration of ITS Digital Business Undergraduate Program symbolically by (from left) Director of Economics

ITS Campus, ITS News — To create reliable graduates in managing digital-based businesses that society today needs, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) launched the Digital Business Undergraduate Program. The inaugural launch was held offline at the Auditorium of Tower 2 ITS on Thursday (16/5).

ITS Chancellor Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD welcomed the formation of this new undergraduate study program at ITS. According to him, the birth of the Digital Business Undergraduate Program is a contribution by ITS in responding to the community’s needs to face digital business challenges.

Bambang explained this program, which grew out of the ITS Business Management Department, also aims to encourage students to be adaptive and progressive in business development. “Hopefully, they will get an education that aligns with the needs of world technology,” he added.

On the same occasion, Head of the ITS Business Management Department Dr oec HSG Syarifa Hanoum ST MT expressed her confidence in the projected graduates of this Digital Business Undergraduate Program. “We are ready to forge students into digital business experts who can contribute to developing the digital economy,” Syarifa said optimistically.

Rektor ITS Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD ketika memberikan sambutannya pada acara Grand Launching Prodi S1 Bisnis Digital ITS

ITS Chancellor Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD while giving his speech at the Grand Launching of the ITS Digital Business Undergraduate Program

Discussing this new study program in more detail, the Head of the ITS Digital Business Undergraduate Program, Dr Lissa Rosdiana Noer ST MMT, also explained that it was established to develop the ability to manage and design the digital economic transformation process in the industrial field. “This idea is realized through the four scientific pillars of the Digital Business Undergraduate Program,” she explained.

The four pillars are functional management, digital system and technology, business essentials, and digital business entrepreneurship and development. “All four provide a fundamental understanding of management, analysis and business, digital systems and technology, and application in the digital realm,” said Lissa.

Unlike the Business Management Department, the Digital Business Undergraduate Program presents a curriculum that aligns more with the needs of students and the digital industry. Later, students will be invited to explore various courses on digital technology. “Such as introduction to digital systems, UI/UX design, AI and IoT, database systems, and others,” said this Airlangga University Management doctoral alumnus.

Kepala Departemen Manajemen Bisnis ITS Dr oec HSG Syarifa Hanoum ST MT saat membahas keunggulan Prodi S1 Bisnis Digital ITS

Head of the ITS Business Management Department, Dr oec HSG Syarifa Hanoum ST MT, while discussing the advantages of the ITS Digital Business Undergraduate Program

Lissa added that this new study program also guarantees quality young talent through the various capabilities offered. Graduates of the Digital Business Undergraduate Program are expected to be able to design digital marketing strategies, data analysis and decision-making, product development, and entrepreneurship. Thus, later graduates of the Digital Business Undergraduate Program are not only technically proficient but also understand the dynamics of business development.

The Digital Business Undergraduate Program Talkshow session, Design Your Future With Digital Business, which was held after the launch, explained that this study program will accept the first new students through the Independent Selection for the 2024/2025 academic year. With a student capacity of 50 seats, the S1 Digital Business Study Program is ready to escalate opportunities through cooperation with various foreign university partners for double degree programs. (ITS Publis Relations)

Reporter: Hibar Buana Puspa
Translator: Lael Soebakir

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