ITS News

Saturday, October 12, 2024
April 30, 2024 12:04

ITS Supports Academic Infrastructure: New Medical Faculty Building

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kanan) dan Sekretaris ITS Dr Ir Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc serta jajaran pimpinan ITS saat meninjau area pembangunan gedung FKK ITS

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (right) and ITS Secretary Dr Ir Umi Laili Yuhana SKom MSc and ITS leaders while inspecting FKK ITS building construction area

ITS Campus, ITS News — Entering the second year of accepting new students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health (FKK), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to improve its infrastructure to support the learning process better. This time, it was demonstrated by the immediate construction of a new building for FKK lectures close to the ITS gate towards Mulyosari, Raya ITS street, Surabaya.

ITS Rector, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, visited the building construction site on Monday (29/4) to learn about the development progress. Ashari, his nickname, explained that the construction of this building was aimed at building infrastructure and meeting academic needs. “So even though FKK currently occupies an existing building inside (the ITS campus), this new building will soon be built to meet these needs,” he explained.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri) bersama Wakil Rektor II ITS Ir Mas Agus Mardyanto ME PhD dan Sekretaris Institut Dr Ir Umi Laili Yuhana SKom di lokasi pembangunan gedung baru FKK ITS

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) with ITS Vice Rector II Ir Mas Agus Mardyanto ME PhD and Institute Secretary Dr Ir Umi Laili Yuhana SKom at the construction site for the new FKK ITS building

Without hesitation, the building, which is planned to consist of four floors, is targeted for completion at the end of 2024. The construction of this building must be carried out immediately because the need for facilities is relatively high. They consider that FKK ITS has three study programs (prodi): Medical Technology, Medicine, and Medical Professional Education.

In this case, in particular, development will be focused on fulfilling the facilities of the Medicine and Medical Technology Study Program, namely classrooms that have been standardized with future technological advances (Smart Classroom) and several supporting laboratories. Meanwhile, the focus will be on building educational hospitals to fulfil the Medical Professional Education Study Program facilities. “We are still working on this educational hospital, and we hope it can be realized soon,” said the professor of Electrical Engineering.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (berbatik merah) dan Dekan FKK ITS Dr dr Imam Susilo SpPA(K) (berbatik biru) bersama jajaran pimpinan ITS lainnya tinjau lokasi pembangunan gedung baru FKK ITS

ITS Rector Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (in red batik) and Dean of FKK ITS Dr dr Imam Susilo SpPA(K) (in blue batik), together with other ITS leaders, inspect the construction site for the new FKK ITS building

Responding to this, the Dean of FKK ITS, Dr dr Imam Susilo SpPA(K) FISCM MIAP KBRN, said that ITS, as PTNBH, will continue to strive to improve its quality. In this case, he continued, saying that the construction of existing laboratories and facilities will always be adjusted to the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI) standards.

The construction of this new building increasingly shows ITS’ readiness to develop FKK ITS. According to Imam, these standardized and sufficient facilities will be a separate parameter for ITS progress. “Especially with ITS’s magnetism and big name, we will continue to improve and align ourselves with other Medical Faculties,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma

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