ITS Campus, ITS News —The Educational Testing Management Center (BP3) officially announced the results of the 2024 National Achievement Based Selection (SNBP), Tuesday (26/3), at 15.00 WIB. In the selection through student achievement screening, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) passed 1,556 new student candidates through the SNBP route.
Head of the Admissions Sub-directorate of the ITS Education Directorate, Dr Eng Unggul Wasiwitono ST MEngSc, explained that this year ITS provided 1,556 SNBP pathway seats which were contested by 13,937 applicants in the achievement rankings. The number of quotas available on the SNBP route has increased compared to the previous year. “Because there are additional study programs (Prodi) at ITS,” he said.
The ITS Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer added that the quota available for the SNBP route itself is 23.81 percent of the total ITS 2024 new student admissions. In more detail, the number of prospective students accepted through the SNBP route is 26.73 percent of whom are Card recipients Smart Indonesia (KIP-K) and 73.27 percent of regular students.
Unggul revealed that the number of ITS SNBP registrants was dominated by students from East Java Province. Furthermore, Unggul added that the Informatics Engineering Department was ranked first with the most enthusiasts, namely 1,431 people. This figure is followed by the Department of Information Systems with 701 people interested, and the Department of Industrial Engineering with 692 people.
Furthermore, Unggul also reminded that there is a new policy that will be implemented at the 2024 National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB), namely the blockade rule for applicants who have passed one of the selection schemes. This system regulates that every applicant who passes the SNBP will automatically not be able to take part in the SNBT or Independent Selection at any State University (PTN).
Finally, Unggul also congratulated the prospective new ITS students who successfully passed through the SNBP route. He also invited students to contribute to advancing human civilization through the development of science, technology and innovation. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Hani Aqilah Safitri
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