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Monday, October 14, 2024
March 05, 2024 16:03

Boosting KLBB Development, ITS Launches Al-Air Battery Innovation

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Uji coba Kendaraan Listrik Berbasis Baterai (KLBB) dengan dilengkapi Baterai Al-Udara ITS yang dilaksanakan di Gedung Research Center ITS

A trial of Battery-Based Electric Vehicles (KLBB) equipped with ITS Al-Air Batteries took place at the ITS Research Center Building

ITS Campus, ITS News — Innovating again, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) conducted a trial application of the first-generation prototype of the ITS Al-Air Battery on the motorbike at the ITS Research Center Building on Tuesday (5/3). Pertamina, along with the ITS Kedaireka Matching Fund, encouraged this research to support the acceleration of the use of Battery-Based Electric Vehicles (KLBB).

Prof Dr Ir Heru Setyawan MEng, the head of the research team, explained that the metal-air battery in his research is a metal fuel engine that utilizes aluminum. With the help of these metal-air batteries, Indonesia will be able to achieve energy and technological independence more quickly.

Heru said that this breakthrough in batteries can prevent dendrites or lithium metal crystallization that typically initiates at the anode and can spread throughout the battery. “Dendrites can be a critical problem for batteries,” Heru warned. Within the team, Heru also collaborated with undergraduate (S1), master (S2), and doctoral (S3) students from the ITS Chemical Engineering Department to complete this research.

Ketua tim penelitian Prof Dr Ir Heru Setyawan M Eng saat memaparkan keunggulan Baterai Al-Udara ITS

Prof Dr Ir Heru Setyawan MEng, the head of the research team, when explaining the advantages of the ITS Al-Air Battery

Furthermore, the ITS Chemical Engineering Department professor explained that his team utilized the electrodeposition of a Zn and Mn metal alloy to address dendrite. The research team specially designed this air battery with a slim and three-dimensional surface, enabling uniform extraction of aluminum ions. “As a result, the battery lasts longer, up to 140 hours,” the lecturer from the ITS Electrochemistry Laboratory said.

The ITS alumnus explained that the metal battery is environmentally friendly, employing an aqueous electrolyte with the addition of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) salt. People commonly use salt solutions in their daily lives, and they pose no harm to the human body. Moreover, critical issues such as leakage are not a concern. “This air battery does not cause a significant temperature increase, preventing thermal runaway or excessive heat,” the bespectacled lecturer explained.

Percobaan pengoperasian sepeda motor listrik dengan Baterai Al-Udara ITS

Trial operation of an electric motorbike with an ITS Al-Air Battery

Indeed, as Heru continued, the team boldly tested this battery on KLBB due to Indonesia’s abundant aluminum resources. Despite the substantial electrical current requirements for motorbikes, it is precisely Indonesia’s wealth of resources that motivated the ITS research team to adopt this battery for the motorbike. Moreover, the price of aluminum batteries is cheaper than lithium-ion batteries.

ITS has been working on the air battery since 2013. However, it has paused and has recently undergone a fast-paced research period over the past year. The research can resume development because of the funding from Pertamina and the ITS Kedaireka Matching Fund. Therefore, ITS continues to face challenges in supporting the development trend of KLBB through various innovations.

Tampilan dari belakang Baterai Al-Udara ITS saat dipasangkan pada sepeda motor berbahan bakar listrik

The view from the rear of the ITS Al-Air Battery when installed on the electric motorbike

This air battery still requires continuous development to be better adopted in KLBB. Currently, the battery is still primary, so if it runs out, it can only be disposed of immediately. In the future, Heru aims to develop a secondary battery, namely a rechargeable battery. “Not only that, but we also want to make the battery smaller so that it fits into vehicles easier,” Heru said.

In line with Heru, Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD, ITS Vice Rector IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni, warmly welcomed the launch of this battery. Bambang expresses his gratitude to Pertamina and Kedaireka for supporting the funding so that ITS can utilize the research.

Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD memberikan dukungan terhadap pengembangan inovasi Baterai Al-Udara ITS

Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD, ITS Vice Rector IV, supports the development of ITS Al-Air Battery innovation

This Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer hopes that the research team can work more cooperatively with industry partners and more cohesively to develop KLBB in the future. “Hopefully, the ITS AI-Air Battery can be useful for this country’s energy independence,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS Public Relations)

Specialist II Power Development and Storage Management Pertamina Haryo Satriya Oktaviano saat memberi sambutan pada acara peluncuran Baterai Al-Udara ITS di Gedung Research Center ITSHaryo Satriya Oktaviano, Specialist II in Power Development and Storage Management Research at Pertamina, gave a speech at the launch of the ITS Al-Air Battery at the ITS Research Center Building


Reporter: Silvita Pramadani

Translator: Alya Farah Nabila

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