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August 13, 2021 21:08

Encouraging the Availability of Convalescent Plasma, ITS Promotes PlasmaHub

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Dorong Ketersediaan Plasma Konvalesen, ITS Sosialisasikan PlasmaHub

Virtual presentation of PlasmaHub by representatives of the PlasmaHub Development Technical Team ITS Agus Budi Raharjo SKom MKom PhD

Kampus ITS, ITS News – Since its launch on July 23, PlasmaHub has fulfilled hundreds of requests for Convalescent Plasma (PK) donors in various regions throughout Indonesia. For this reason, to maximize PlasmaHub services and encourage Covid-19 survivors to donate their PK, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), as the developer of PlasmaHub, held a Press Release event for the Socialization of the PlasmaHub Platform to the media crew virtually, Friday (13/8) afternoon.

Opening the event, the representative of the ITS PlasmaHub Technical Development Team, Agus Budi Raharjo, SKom MKom Ph.D., described some of the features available on the PlasmaHub platform. Agus explained, three main features are the advantages of the PlasmaHub service, including the Donor-Recipient Matching, Donor Stock, and Screening Reminder features.

He explained that in the Donor-Recipient Matching feature, registered applicants would receive notifications via the WhatsApp application if potential donors whose PK matches the applicant’s request. This Informatics Engineering Department lecturer added that data from prospective donors and applicants would remain confidential to prevent transactional actions. “We have prevented the practice of middlemen who take advantage of this PlasmaHub,” he said.

Beberapa aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh Tim PlasmaHub ITS untuk meningkatkan awareness masyarakat mengenai donor Plasma Konvalesen dan Covid-19

Some of the activities carried out by the ITS PlasmaHub Team to increase public awareness about Convalescent Plasma donors and Covid-19.

In addition, Agus continued, applicants for PK donors can also view information on the availability of PK stocks according to their location of residence and actual conditions through the Donor Stock feature. In addition to encouraging Covid-19 survivors to donate PK through PlasmaHub, Agus said he also urged donors to give their PK donors to the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI). “Indirectly, PlasmaHub also helps PMI to increase the available PK stock,” he added.

No less critical, Agus revealed that the Screening Reminder feature on PlasmaHub reminds prospective donors to do a screening before PK donors. In detail, prospective donors will receive a reminder notification via the WhatsApp application on the 14th day after the Covid-19 recovery or at the time of the last donor.

Agus explained since three weeks ago, or since PlasmaHub was launched to the public, PlasmaHub has paired 234 PK donors out of 649 donor requests by applicants. “Even now, there are 44 potential donors who are ready to be paired,” added Agus.

Tampilan antarmuka PlasmaHub ITS yang berbasis web pada berbagai jenis perangkat gawai

Web-based ITS PlasmaHub interface display on various types of mobile devices

Sukotjo, gave his views on PlasmaHub’s vision and mission in the future. He said the entire PlasmaHub team would try to protect the Covid-19 survivors, not only for PK donors but also for blood donors. “So that in the future, if the PK for Covid-19 survivors is no longer suitable for donation, they can instead donate blood,” he explained.

Edy continued, after focusing on services in the East Java region, PlasmaHub is now trying to expand its coverage in the various areas throughout Indonesia. The reason is that the supply and stock of PK in East Java, especially in the Surabaya area, is sufficient, unlike a few weeks ago when the demand for PK donors in East Java was high. “In the future, we support the existence of blood granaries not only in East Java but also throughout Indonesia,” he said.

Peserta yang menghadiri acara Press Release PlasmaHub yang terdiri dari tim PlasmaHub ITS dan juga perwakilan media

Participants who attended the PlasmaHub Press Release event consisting of the ITS PlasmaHub team and also media representatives

Edy hopes that PlasmaHub can collaborate with similar featured applications that already exist in Indonesia. He said this was to overcome data confusion and centralize the PK donor provider platform. “We are afraid that society will be divided, and we want to avoid if there are applicants who seek PK donors in more than one application,” explained Edy.

Ending the presentation, Agus advised that this press release can help disseminate information about Convalescent Plasma donors and introduce PlasmaHub. Agus reminded the main goal of PlasmaHub is to motivate PK donors to increase the availability of PK stock at PMI. “PlasmaHub is tasked with helping to match demand with PK stock quickly, without having to move cities and wait a long time,” he concluded. (ITS Public Relation)

Reporter: Ferdian Wibowo

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