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August 05, 2019 18:08

ITS and Surabaya City Government Act Together to Break The Poverty Chain

Oleh : adminits | | Source :

Mayor of Surabaya, Dr (HC) Ir Tri Rismaharini MT, when explaining the condition of the children from poor families in Surabaya

ITS Campus, ITS News – The poverty chain that still exists in a number of cities in Indonesia, including Surabaya, must be broken off immediately. Therefore, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) is moving with The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) and a number of businesses discuss to start the cooperation of a scholarship program to break the poverty chain in The Main Meeting Room, ITS Rectorate Building, Friday (2/8).

The Mayor of Surabaya, Dr (HC) Ir Tri Rismaharini MT, explained that one way to break the poverty chain is by providing education to the children of economically underprivileged families. “So that they can immediately get a job and can increase the socioeconomic status of their family,” said the woman who often called Risma.

ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari Meng, fully supports Surabaya City Government to provide scholarships

However, Risma continued, there is still a lot of stigmas spread in the community to continue education to higher education certainly needs a great expense. Overcoming this problem, Risma admitted that she came to the children who were academically good but did not continue their education, and she persuaded them to continue their education.

ITS Rector, Prof. Mochamad Ashari (right), and Mayor of Surabaya, Dr (HC) Tri Rismaharini, when socializing the cooperation scholarship at ITS

Risma also explained that currently there are many programs from Surabaya City Government that have succeeded to break the poverty chain. Apart from going through the education scholarship program, there is also guidance in terms of start-up business or entrepreneurship. “Even today, some of them have reached tens of millions rupiah turnover,” said the woman who is also an alumnus of ITS.

ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Ashari (front left), talks to The Mayor of Surabaya, Dr (HC) Tri Rismaharini, in ITS Rectorate Building

Risma said that actually, the quality of the work of children who come from the less capable family is extraordinary. “They are diligent, loyal, and can help their family or their environment,” said the woman who once crowned as the Third Best Mayor of the world.

Meanwhile, ITS Rector, Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari Meng, emphasized that ITS fully support the scholarship program from Surabaya City Government for underprivileged students to study at ITS. “There are a lot of programs at ITS that can be followed by them, ranging from vocational programs or applied bachelor programs, undergraduate programs, training or certification, and so on,” said the professor of Electrical Engineering.

ITS Rector, Prof Dr. Mochamad Ashari (front left), with Mayor of Surabaya, Dr (HC) Tri Rismaharini (center), accompanied by the Secretary of ITS, Dr. Agnes Tuti Rumiati

Apart from Surabaya City Government and ITS Executive Board, this discussion also brought several representatives of the companies in the city of Surabaya and its surroundings. Hopefully, these companies can accept the scholarship program graduates from Surabaya City Government according to what they need. (sof/gayatri/ITS Public Relation)

Photo session with Mayor of Surabaya, Dr (HC) Tri Rismaharini, with ITS Executive Board and company representatives at ITS Rectorate Building

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