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December 11, 2018 14:12

Three Transformation Aspects to Face Disruption Era

Oleh : itsmis | | Source : -

Choirul Tanjung gave his speech at ITS Anniversary Ceremony

ITS Campus, ITS News — The disruption era and development factor in Industrial Revolution 4.0 give its challenge and chance for Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia. Changes of behavior in millennials generation and the other changes which are fast, massive and give a big impact affects the development in the future. because of that, ITS invites Prof Dr (HC) drg Chairul Tanjung MBA to give his speech at 58th ITS Anniversary Ceremony in Graha Sepuluh Nopember, Saturday (10/11).

In this occasion, he brings the speech with the title of Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Heroism as the driving force for ITS’s future. there are few characteristics which happened in development trend these days. One of the examples is the production cycle become faster. The valuation of the technology-based company also gets higher. For example in early 2000, General Electric Company which focused on the development of jet machine and transportation lead the world at that time.

Now, Choirul Tanjung said, we can see that digital technology company lead the ecosystem and world’s economy. It can see from Google, Facebook, Amazone, and others as the example. In the past days, the value of a company designated by its property such as land, building, and factory. But now, the most valuable asset is data. “ who can control the data, he controls the world” he told us.

The man who came from Jakarta also explains that the changes in a generation will also effect changes of lifestyle. Millennials generation today are the generation who depend on their self. Their lifestyle depends on the electronic device, and have a willingness to spend the money they accept for their own satisfaction. “but they can think creatively and more easy to collaborate as the positive impact” he explained.

Developments in today’s technology also affect other problems in Indonesia. A few of them is education pattern who still prepare the student to be a worker or labor in a production process. In another hand, the job fair is also decreasing. “Around 5 billion of work will disappear because of automation in 2015-2020”

Thus, Indonesia also needs to face another challenge which needs to be done so we can compete in the future. Those challenges are millennials generation which has a high spirit but weak in execution, local investor lose in competition with a foreign investor, and the problem of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which always decreasing.

To solve that problem, as Choirul Tanjung explains, we need a transformation in education pattern which pointed in three aspects which is innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship. National education needs to be developed gradually start from Teaching University model, Research University, and Entrepreneurship University. “ That’s how the evolution of the education system in college looks like in order to face challenges of changing times,” said Choirul Tanjung who started his business in 1981.

He explains that innovation is adding value process, innovation also created from any source such as new knowledge, changes in perception, and demographics. In creativity, we need an imagination which based on clear vision and the thought which different from everyone else. “With creativity, the society will be easier to understand what we want. Innovation and creativity process can be the way to make money with this entrepreneurship sector”

This anniversary moment, Choirul Tanjung said, is also match with heroes day. The manifestation of the spirit of heroes which Bung Tomo has blown up can be applied in our education which dares to make a change, never give up in innovation and creativity and the last one willing to sacrifices for entrepreneurship. “I hope ITS can be the activator of future,” said the founder of CT Corp.

For him, ITS should be able to use the innovation-based education system, creativity, and entrepreneurship which based on a spirit of heroism so it can survive the changes in technology in the future. “We need a commitment from all of the academic community in ITS for that so we can produce the excellence and high competitive human resources” (lut/owi/utami)

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