Greeting From Head of Study Program

Dr. Ir. Adhi Dharma Wibawa, S.T.,M.T.

The Medical Technology Program at ITS (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember) was established in June 2022, through ITS Decree No. 3037/IT2.XI/TU.00.03.01/2022 and the ITS Rector’s Decree No. 809/IT2/T/HK.00.01/2022. This program was initiated due to a strong drive to advance national independence in the development of medical technology by Indonesian talents. The technology used in medical practice in Indonesia is still over 90% nowadays dominated by imports. The amount of public and national funds spent abroad can reach 2.2 billion dollars per year, just for importing various technologies in medical practice. Recognizing this, the program was established. Another strong motivation for the creation of the Medical Technology Program is to foster a national environment for technological innovation in medicine. Medical technology innovations, especially those adopting the technological needs of Indonesian doctors, cannot be fully met by imported technology, due to the unique and specific nature of these technological needs in Indonesia. Cultivating a national environment for technological innovation is not a simple matter; this goal also needs to be supported by government regulations, appropriate working facilities (workshops), funding support for initial innovations and the development of technology startups, human capital development in technological innovation, etc. There are many tasks that need to be collectively developed by the nation’s children to achieve national independence in the field of Medical Technology.