This Occupational Health and Safety Training is carried out by the Sub Directorate of Organization and Occupational Safety and Health – Directorate of Human Resources and Organizations in collaboration with the Surabaya City Fire Service.
Purpose of Activity
Aside from being one of the efforts to improve Tendik’s competence, this activity has the objectives:
Provide knowledge about the causes of fire and the introduction of fire extinguishers. Provide practical skills related to how to extinguish fires using extinguishers.
Benefits of Activities
For ITS Education Staff (Tendik), this training is useful for:
Increasing physical knowledge about the causes of fire and the introduction of fire extinguishers. Improve practical skills related to how to extinguish fires using extinguishers.
Execution time
This training has been carried out on: Day / Date : Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Time : 08.00-15.00 WIB Place : Seminar Room and front page of the NASDEC ITS Building
Activity Results
Participants in the Safety and Health training activities were representatives of each department work unit in ITS with a total invitation of 41 people.
The source of this training came from external ITS, namely from the Surabaya Fire Department (DAMKAR).
Photos of Activities
The activity began with singing the Indonesia Raya national anthem which was attended by all the training participants.
The first event was the provision of material on the causes of the fire, the trigger of the fire, and an explanation of the equipment to extinguish the fire.
Furthermore, all training participants were taken out of the NASDEC seminar room to the front yard of the building to carry out the practice of extinguishing the fire by using 3 media, namely: Wet burlap sack, Light Fire Extinguisher (APAR), and using a high-strength water hose.
Participants received a briefing from DAMKAR regarding the procedure to extinguish the fire with gunny sacks that had been moistened with water. Used iron barrel as a fire retaining media.
Below are photos of participants taking turns trying to lift a gunny sack and putting it on a barrel.
The following is a photo of other participants while demonstrating the fire fighting procedure.
After all participants understood the procedure, then the practice was carried out to extinguish the fire.
Then all participants also tried to extinguish the fire by using a Light Fire Extinguisher (APAR)
Finally, participants practice extinguishing water using a water hose that is connected to a fire truck.
After all the practices were carried out, the participants then returned to the NASDEC Seminar room to conduct a question and answer session, closing and taking photos together.
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