Village Data Collection Training To Support The Village Sdgs Program In Sidoarjo Regency


portfolio sdg 9
Data collection on the potential possessed by the region is a very important initial provision in implementing the Village SDGs in the future. This is because the more complete the data collection on the potential of an area so that it can be known what potential needs to be improved and developed. The training will be carried out by the research team from ITS. The research team conducted a survey first to find out a description of the condition of the village in Sidoarjo Regency, followed by the preparation of the teaching module framework which was discussed with the teaching team. After that, a fixation process was carried out for the teaching team who shared knowledge with the training participants. The Sidoarjo Regency Government and the research team conducted socialization to the community regarding the program to be implemented and continued with training.

The initial training or introduction to the concept will be conducted offline at the Krembung sub-district office. Furthermore, the community was given the opportunity to practice directly in the field to collect data assisted by a previously prepared questionnaire. When the data collection is carried out and after the data collection is complete, the researcher will conduct an offline discussion process with the training participants to evaluate the implementation and learn about the data analysis process. This series of activities is expected to help in the successful implementation of the Village SDGs in Sidoarjo Regency.