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August 04, 2022 15:08

Village Minister Visits ITS to Discuss Village Development

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kiri) bersama Menteri Desa PDTT Dr HC Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd mengendarai motor listrik GESITS karya ITS

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (left) with the Minister of PDTT Village Dr HC Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd riding an ITS GESITS electric motorbike

Kampus ITS, ITS New – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has made innovation for the welfare of people a priority as one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education’s applications. This time, ITS hosted a discussion to support spatial development and the creation of village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) throughout Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT) RI.

Village Minister, Dr HC Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd, said that basically the PDTT Village Ministry has compiled a policy that focuses on the SDGs and village spatial planning. This policy will create a village without poverty. “However, we evaluate that there are several obstacles that we must overcome first,” he said.

Pemberian cinderamata oleh Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (kanan) kepada Menteri Desa PDTT RI Dr (HC) Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd usai diskusi

Giving souvenirs by ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (right) to the Minister of PDTT RI Village Dr (HC) Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd after the discussion

In his explanation, the minister, also known as Gus Halim, gave an example of several districts in Papua which have difficulties with signal networks and electricity. Other than Papua, a number of communities are seen as being overly conventional since they lack cutting-edge technology. Gus Halim stated, “Due to these issues, we need assistance from all parties to achieve this program.”

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng responded by stating that ITS has various study centers that constantly help the success of the program. The Center for the Study of SDGs, the Center for the Study of Public, Business, and Industrial Policy (PKKPBI), and other research institutions are among the study centers. “ITS has a lot of forums that can certainly be useful for the Indonesian people, especially rural communities,” he explained.

Menteri Desa PDTT Dr HC Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd (tengah) bersama Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (empat dari kanan) dan jajarannya di depan Gedung Rektorat ITS

PDTT Village Minister Dr HC Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd (center) with ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (four from right) and his staff in front of the ITS Rectorate Building

The Chancellor, also known as Ashari, explained that ITS had not only carried out the concept but also been successful in spreading it throughout the community. The Movement of 1,000 Packaging Designs for One Islamic Boarding School One Product (OPOP), Ocean Farming ITS (OFITS), and several more concepts are examples of ideas that have come to fruition. “We are now working on the DigITS Tablet, a customized tablet that contains university contents for underserved, leading, and remote (3T) locations.” he added,

Gus Halim hopes that ITS will eventually carry on providing genuine assistance to Indonesian villages. He also expressed his satisfaction with ITS’s strong interest in the development of villages around Indonesia. It’s time for Indonesian communities to embrace innovation and technology. He continued by encouragingly saying, “I hope ITS would always continue to promote the development of Indonesian communities. (ITS PR)

Menteri Desa PDTT Dr HC Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd bersama Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng dan jajaran pimpinan ITS di Gedung Rektorat ITS

PDTT Village Minister Dr HC Drs Abdul Halim Iskandar MPd with ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng and ITS leadership ranks at the ITS Rectorate Building

Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

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