ITS Campus, ITS News — The academic community of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to achieve remarkable milestones. This year, four ITS professors earned recognition in the Top 2% Scientists in the World: Single Year Impact 2024 – 2025 by Stanford University and the Elsevier Report, an increase from just one professor last year.
These four professors are: Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D.; Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Prof. Tohari Ahmad, S.Kom., MIT, Ph.D.; and Prof. Adi Setyo Purnomo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D. These researchers are part of the top 2%, or the top 100,000 researchers, selected from millions of scientists worldwide. The ranking is based on a c-score, which measures citation impact, excluding self-citations.
Among the honored professors, Prof. Drs. Ec. Ir. Riyanarto Sarno, M.Sc., Ph.D., from the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Intelligent Informatics (FTEIC) at ITS, has consistently made the list in previous years, achieving 519 citations in 2023. Meanwhile, Prof. Ir. I Nyoman Pujawan, M.Eng., Ph.D., Dean of ITS’s School of Interdisciplinary Management and Technology (SIMT), garnered 311 citations in 2023.
Joining Prof. Sarno from the Department of Informatics, Prof. Tohari Ahmad, S.Kom., MIT, Ph.D., also made his mark with 198 citations. Additionally, Prof. Adi Setyo Purnomo, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD), earned 191 citations.
ITS Rector Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD gave his appreciation to four ITS researchers who won the Top 2% Scientists in the World 2024
Responding to this remarkable achievement, ITS Rector, Ir. Bambang Pramujati, ST., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D., expressed his appreciation for the dedication and hard work of the lecturers and everyone involved. According to him, this success proves that ITS has created an academic environment conducive to research and innovation. “This enables ITS to produce high-quality academics who can compete globally,” said the Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer proudly.
Bambang also shared ITS’s plans to maintain this achievement by increasing the quantity and quality of international journal publications through strengthening the research culture. Research collaborations with industry and various institutions, both domestic and international, will continue to be reinforced. The Mechanical Engineering Department lecturer hopes that ITS will consistently enhance the quality of research and innovation. “So that ITS can contribute even more to Indonesia’s progress,” he stated optimistically.
As a note, Top 2% Scientists in the World: Single Year Impact 2024 – 2025 presents data on researchers worldwide with standardized citation indicators. The data provides information on citation metrics, including the number of citations and the number of publications written as a single author, first author, or last author. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Aghnia Tias Salsabila
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