ITS Campus, ITS News –Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) once again produced an outstanding doctoral graduate from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (FSAD), namely Muhammad Taufiqi who managed to complete his studies in just 2.5 years. Unmitigated, during his doctoral studies, he has successfully published five international scientific journals at once with a Quartile 1 (Q1) reputation, which is the level in Scopus international journals that have the most significant impact compared to other classifications.
The man who is familiarly called Taufiqi could have graduated in two years. However, a regulation from the Directorate General of Higher Education and Research Technology (Diktiristek) that doctoral programmes must be undertaken in more than two years eventually caused Taufiqi to add another semester. Not wanting to waste his time, Taufiqi optimised the extra time to strengthen his research.
In his research, the lecturer at Maulana Malik Ibrahim Islamic University focuses on developing a safer quantum teleportation protocol. He combines two concepts of quantum theory, namely encryption protocols and teleportation protocols into one unit to be used simultaneously. “I chose this topic because it has great potential to improve data security in quantum communication,” explained the man from Pasuruan, East Java.
Taufiqi’s five journals are the result of developing his first research on quantum teleportation. In his first journal, Taufiqi focused on the Quantum Demon Pot (QDP) Protocol that enables encrypted teleportation. This research is a fundamental part of his endeavour to improve security in quantum state transfer by incorporating encryption methods in the teleportation process.
During the research in the first journal, Taufiqi found many failures in his efforts to make encrypted teleportation, which actually paved the way for new discoveries. In his second journal, it discusses Cyclic Quantum Teleportation which is proposed to improve the efficiency of the teleportation process by using multilevel control. Another journal elaborates on Bidirectional Teleportation, through offering a mechanism for reciprocal transfer of information more efficiently.
In addition, the man born on 14 November 1992 also researched Teleportation with an OR Logic Controller in a noisy environment. This research explores how OR logic control can be applied in quantum teleportation to maintain information durability in real conditions. Finally, in his dissertation Taufiqi continued his research by bringing the topic of encrypted quantum teleportation protocols with one controller.
The five journals are categorised as Q1 reputable journals. This means that the physics olympiad tentor’s journals are often cited by other researchers, which also includes the top 25 per cent of journals. Of the five journals published, three of them were published in the International Journal of Theoretical Physics (IJTP) which has a Scopus Q1 reputation. While the other journal was published in Physica Scripta as an international journal for original research in physics.
Despite the challenges, the biggest difficulty in his research was finding the right method to combine teleportation protocols and quantum encryption. However, his persistence paid off, despite having to go through various failures first. “These failures actually gave me many new ideas to produce other publications,” he said excitedly.
Taufiqi’s success in publishing five journals at once cannot be separated from the support of ITS and his supervisors. After completing his dissertation, all the funding he used during his doctoral studies will be reimbursed by his supervisor, Prof Drs Agus Purwanto MSi MSc DSc.
As a future plan, Taufiqi will continue his research until he reaches his target and can devote himself to ITS later. He hopes to inspire other students to work hard and utilise their time well. “Appreciate time, use it positively, and work hard at doing things. That is the key to my success,” he concluded encouragingly. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Lathifah Sahda
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