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Tuesday, September 10, 2024
May 16, 2024 12:05

ITS Affirms Consistent Contribution to Disaster Mitigation Pentahelix

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Para narasumber Dialog Interaktif di Luar Studio Kentongan RRI Surabaya saat berdiskusi terkait peran kampus dan seluruh pihak dalam pentahelix mitigasi bencana

The speakers of the Interactive Dialogue outside RRI Surabaya’s Kentongan Studio discussing the role of the campus and all parties in the pentahelix of disaster mitigation.

ITS Campus, ITS News — In an effort to prevent massive disaster risk, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) continues to strive to contribute its best. This commitment was conveyed directly by ITS Rector Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD through an Interactive Dialogue outside the Kentongan Studio which is an event programme of Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Surabaya which took place at the ITS Rectorate Building, Tuesday (15/5) afternoon.

In his explanation, Bambang said that ITS as an educational institution actually plays a major role in disaster mitigation efforts. Specifically, in this pentahelix or pentagon involving government, media, community, academics, and entrepreneurs, ITS takes a role in the process of education and studies related to disaster risk and mitigation.

ITS’ serious step in studying this issue, according to Bambang, is shown through the establishment of the Research Centre for Disaster Mitigation and Climate Change (Puslit MKPI). This research centre specifically offers and derives ideas for disaster risk reduction and climate change through the results of various scientific research. “The results of the study are then published and used as reference material for problem-solving synergies with other parties,” he explained.

Rektor ITS Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD saat memberikan penjelasan terkait posisi kampus ITS dalam pentahelix mitigasi bencana

ITS Rector Ir Bambang Pramujati ST MScEng PhD when explaining the position of the ITS campus in the disaster mitigation pentahelix

In addition to the study, the former ITS Vice Chancellor IV also revealed that ITS has also played an active role and directly intervened in efforts to solve this problem by forming a special team. In fact, Bambang said that the ITS Disaster Response team formed in 2018 went directly to help victims of the Lombok earthquake in the same year. This team eventually changed its name to a humanitarian task force that also helped deal with Covid-19 issues.

In terms of on-campus implementation, Bambang explained that ITS always displays safety instruction videos to educate in the event of a disaster. In addition, directions and safety instructions are also available in every department building and work unit in ITS. To help more comprehensively, ITS also provides a complaint contact that will be directed to the relevant officers.

Going forward, Bambang asserted that ITS will not cease to make its maximum contribution in an effort to optimise the disaster mitigation pentahelix. More comprehensively, ITS will not only focus on mitigation studies but also begin to provide education and assist with post-disaster restoration efforts. “Of course, by involving students and all campus elements in it to contribute directly to the community,” he added.

Peneliti senior Puslit MKPI ITS Dr Ir Amien Widodo MSi (kiri) bersama Kepala BPBD Kota Surabaya Agus Hebi Djuniantori ST MT saat memberikan pendapatnya dalam diskusi interaktif di ITS

Senior researcher of Puslit MKPI ITS Dr Ir Amien Widodo MSi (left) with Head of BPBD Surabaya City Agus Hebi Djuniantori ST MT when giving his opinion in an interactive discussion at ITS.

In line with Bambang’s explanation, disaster-related expert Masyarakat Tangguh Indonesia (MTI) and senior researcher from the MKPI ITS Research Centre Dr Ir Amien Widodo MSi revealed that the education received by the community to deal with disasters is still not comprehensive. Instead of considering disaster as a danger alarm, there are still many people who accept disaster as a destiny. “This must be immediately broken through the role of ITS and all parties in this pentahelix,” said the lecturer at the Department of Geophysical Engineering ITS.

As for the role of other parties, namely from the government side, the Head of the East Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Agus Hebi Djuniantoro ST MT who was also present explained that the government took part in making rules and handling the community more generally. While from the community side, represented by East Java Disaster Preparedness Srikandi Dwi Rossantiana SIkom, the community takes the role of helping education and real action closer to the community. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani
Translator: I Gusti Agung Jaya Hiswara

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