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April 26, 2024 06:04

Supporting Productivity, ITS Inaugurates Eight New Physical Building

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng IPU AEng saat memberikan samputan parada Peresmian Pembangunan Fisik ITS

ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a speech at the Inauguration of ITS Physical Development 

ITS Campus, ITS News – The commitment of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to provide the best facilities for its academic community is increasingly evident. This time, the effort was illustrated through the inauguration of eight new ITS education buildings and infrastructure facilities located at the ITS Research and Technology Innovation Gallery (GRIT), on Thursday (4/4). 

The eight buildings built by ITS are divided into three functions, namely aspects of education, research and development, and general. ITS Director of Planning and Development, Dr Ir Suwadi MT, said the eight physical buildings consisted of ITS Tower 1, Research Center Tower, Blok M Student Dormitory, Visual Communication Design Department Building, Robotics Workshop Building, and ITS Main, North and South Gates.

In the educational aspect, the DKV Department Building and Tower 1 ITS successfully stood firmly to meet the needs of student teaching and learning activities. According to the Electrical Engineering Department lecturer, both buildings were successfully facilitated with up-to-date classrooms and a large number of classes. “Because the Tower 1 Building has a large number of classes, we make it the center of the Joint Course Management Unit,” he said. 

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (tengah) saat menandatangani prasasti Gedung Workshop Robotika ITS

ITS Rector, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng (centersigns the inscription for the ITS Robotics Workshop Building.  

Not only the educational aspect is supported, the construction of the Tower Research Center and Robotics Workshop Building is a form of ITS support in the aspect of research and development. Both buildings have the same function, namely the availability of space for each study center, research, and the ITS robotics team to work and innovate. “We also provide a robot test field in the Robotics Workshop Building,” explained the ITS Doctoral Alumnus. 

Finally for the public aspect, ITS also built the Blok M Student Dormitory and three gates spread across three crucial points in the Keputih, Kertajaya, and Mulyosari areas. The development certainly aims to provide safe and comfortable facilities for ITS academics and the general public when visiting ITS. “In addition to educational and research interests, we also do not forget to ensure guaranteed comfort for the general public,” said Suwadi. 

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng saat melakukan visitasi di Asrama Mahasiswa Blok M

ITS Rector, Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng during a visitation at Blok M Student Dormitory. 

Inaugurated directly by ITS Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, this development is expected to maintain the spirit of the fighters on this Hero Campus. He hopes that all parties can strengthen cooperation to bring more of the best facilities for the comfort, welfare, and safety of the ITS academic community. “This commitment will bring ITS to achieve independence and progress,” he concluded optimistically. (ITS PR).


Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani
Editor: Bima Surya Samudra

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