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March 07, 2024 18:03

Strengthening the Research Field, ITS Again Inaugurates 8 New Professors

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Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng saat menyampaikan sambutannya dalam acara Pengukuhan Profesor dalam Sidang Terbuka Dewan Profesor ITS

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, when delivering his speech at the Professor Inauguration event at the Open Session of the ITS Professor Council

ITS Campus, ITS News — Continuing to strengthen itself in the field of research, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has once again confirmed eight new professors at the ITS Professor Council Open Session event. This inauguration was held in the ITS Research Center Building Auditorium on Thursday (7/3).

On this occasion, ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng said that ITS, as a legal entity state university (PTN-BH), has three main organs as its important pillars. One of these organs is the role of the Professorial Council in assisting the work of the Academic Senate. “Thank God, ITS continues to experience an increase in the number of professors every year,” said the professor, who is familiarly called Ashari.

According to him, increasing the number of professors can help improve the quality of research and the ranking of universities. Furthermore, Ashari explained, ITS currently has a total of 167 active professors, who have been confirmed with the addition of 73 new professors since 2019. “For starters, at the beginning of this year, we welcomed eight new professors,” he said.

With the addition of eight new professors at ITS this time, Ashari admitted that he was very proud. The professor of the Department of Electrical Engineering firmly hopes that the increase in the number of professors can further improve the quality of the institution. “The most important thing is that it can provide a new color to the world of research in Indonesia,” he reminded.

dari kiri) Prof I Dewa Ayu Agung Warmadewanthi ST MT PhD dan Prof Dr Ir Patdono Suwignjo MEng yang dikukuhkan menjadi profesor ke-196 dan 197 ITS

(from left) Prof. I Dewa Ayu Agung Warmadewanthi ST MT PhD and Prof. Dr. Ir Patdono Suwignjo MEng, who were confirmed as ITS’s 196th and 197th professors

Starting the inauguration procession, the 196th ITS professor, Prof. I Dewa Ayu Agung Warmadewanthi, ST, MT, PhD, delivered his scientific oration entitled Technological Innovation in Recovering Material and Energy from Waste to Drive the National Circular Economy. In this case, the lecturer, who is usually called Wawa, emphasized that the current national waste processing method is no longer at the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) stage. “However, it is about how to create products that have economic value,” explained this professor from the Department of Environmental Engineering.

Continuing the oration session, the former Director General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) in 2015, Prof. Dr. Ir Patdono Suwignjo MEng, delivered his oration regarding performance management for the innovation process in Indonesian BUMN. According to the 197th ITS professor from the Department of Systems and Industrial Engineering, the innovation performance framework in Indonesia has now reached the open innovation phase.

(dari kiri) Prof Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah ST MT PhD, Prof Herman Praktikno ST MT PhD, dan Prof Dr Eng Widiyastuti ST MT sebagai Profesor ke-198, 199, dan 200 di ITS

(from left) Prof Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah ST MT PhD, Prof Herman Pratikno ST MT PhD, and Prof Dr Eng Widiyastuti ST MT as the 198th, 199th, and 200th Professors at ITS

Meanwhile, Prof. Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah, ST, MT, PhD, was confirmed as ITS’s 198th professor in the field of Environmental and Biological Recovery Science. The lecturer from the Department of Environmental Engineering, who was inaugurated at the same time as her husband, emphasized that the bioremediation process in the environment can be carried out simultaneously.

Next, Harmin’s husband, Prof. Herman Praktikno ST MT PhD, delivered his scientific oration entitled Improving Mechanical Properties and Controlling Bio-corrosion in Marine Materials to Support the National Maritime Sector. “The occurrence of corrosion in marine buildings can affect the service life of the building,” said the 199th ITS professor from the Department of Marine Engineering.

Furthermore, by presenting almost the same topic, the 200th ITS professor from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Eng Widiyastuti ST MT, discussed the great opportunities for utilizing natural raw materials through material process innovation. According to him, the upstream and downstream processing of natural raw materials plays a key role in the efficient use of natural resources.

(dari kiri) Prof Ir Raja Oloan Saut Gurning ST MSc PhD, Prof Dr Ir I Made Ariana ST MT, Prof Dr Mashuri SSi MSi yang dikukuhkan menjadi Profesor ke-201, 202, dan 203 di ITS

(from left) Prof. Ir Raja Oloan Saut Gurning ST MSc PhD, Prof. Dr. Ir I Made Ariana ST MT, and Prof. Dr. Mashuri SSi MSi, who were appointed as the 201st, 202nd, and 203rd Professors at ITSNext, a professor from the ITS Department of Shipping Systems Engineering, Prof. Ir Raja Oloan Saut Gurning, ST, MSc, PhD, also delivered his oration regarding innovation in maritime trade operations, which involves managing disruptions. “Both in terms of risk as well as innovation in shipping operations, ports, and shipping expeditions, which is known as maritime disruption,” said the 201st ITS professor.

Followed by a professor from the same department, Prof. Dr. Ir I Made Ariana ST MT, who was successfully confirmed as ITS’s 202nd professor in the field of ship machinery science. Made, his nickname, presented his scientific topic under the title Strengthening National Ship Energy Efficiency Indexes and Indicators to Increase Indonesia’s Role in Realizing Net Zero Emissions.

Then, Prof. Dr. Mashuri SSi MSi from the Department of Physics was successfully confirmed as ITS’s 203rd professor. By delivering a scientific oration entitled Stealth Technology, Absorbing Radar Waves in the National Security Defense System, and Indonesia’s Strategic Geopolitical Position, Mashuri was the professor who ended this inaugural event.

Ketua Dewan Profesor ITS Prof Dr Ir Imam Robandi MT ketika membuka acara Sidang Terbuka Dewan Profesor ITS untuk Pengukuhan Profesor ITS

Chair of the ITS Professor Council, Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi MT, when opening the open session of the ITS Professor Council for the Inauguration of ITS Professors

Closing the inauguration procession, Chair of the ITS Professorial Council Prof. Dr. Ir Imam Robandi MT conveyed his hopes to the eight new ITS professors. “In the future, I hope that the addition of eight new professors at ITS will be directly proportional to the increase in publication productivity,” concluded this professor at the ITS Department of Electrical Engineering. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Mifda Khoirotul Azma

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