ITS News

Sunday, October 06, 2024
February 23, 2024 17:02

Pursuing Zero Emissions Target, ITS Agreed On A MoU With PT Wika Gedung

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD (dua dari kiri) dan Direktur Operasi 1 PT Wika Gedung Tbk Bagus Tri Setyana (dua dari kanan) menunjukkan naskah MoU yang telah ditandatangani

ITS Deputy Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD (second from left) and Director of Operations 1 PT Wika Gedung Tbk Bagus Tri Setyana (second from right) show the signed MoU text

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has long been promoting the development of environmentally friendly innovations. This was again proven by the signing of a joint agreement, or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), between ITS and PT Wika Gedung Tbk on Friday (23/2), to support green construction.

Director of Operations 1, PT Wika Gedung Tbk Bagus Tri Setyana, explained that PT Wika Gedung has a greater focus on environmental issues. One of them is supporting net zero emissions through environmentally friendly construction innovation, namely the Modular Wika Building. This modular is an offsite or offsite construction methodology. “We are confident that we will be able to achieve zero emissions through this modular and also in collaboration with ITS,” he said optimistically.

Apart from that, Bagus also expressed his goal with ITS to detail the construction of tall buildings using a modular methodology. The plan is that this will be applied to the construction of the ITS Student Dormitory, which has 20 floors. This development will be the first in Indonesia. “We want to foster the idea that modular construction also has the same building strength and comfort,” he said.

Wakil Rektor IV ITS Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD (kiri) dan Direktur Operasi 1 PT Wika Gedung Tbk Bagus Tri Setyana dalam prosesi penukaran cinderamata usai penandatanganan MoU

ITS Deputy Chancellor IV Bambang Pramujati ST MSc Eng PhD (left) and Director of Operations 1 PT Wika Gedung Tbk Bagus Tri Setyana in the souvenir exchange procession after the signing of the MoU

Meanwhile, ITS Deputy Chancellor IV for Research, Innovation, Cooperation, and Alumni Bambang Pramujati, ST, MSc, Eng, PhD, said that this agreement or MoU with PT Wika had actually been implemented several times. On this occasion, Bambang wants to realize many facilities and infrastructure designs at ITS. “There have been many plans that have been developed for a long time but could not be implemented because of the pandemic,” he said.

The lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Engineering also hopes for collaboration with other parties, especially industry, to develop their research, especially environmentally friendly innovation research. According to him, the benefits of research and research carried out will be better conveyed because industry understands better what society needs. “With industry intervention, we will be able to develop more appropriate innovations for the benefit of society,” said Bambang.

Jajaran pimpinan ITS dan PT Wika Gedung Tbk usai seremoni penandatanganan MoU di Rektorat ITS

The leadership of ITS and PT Wika Gedung Tbk after the MoU signing ceremony at the ITS Rectorate

At the moment of this agreement, ITS will be happy to open a custom curriculum if PT Wika Gedung wants to increase the capacity of its employees through postgraduate education programs. “The opportunity to broaden your knowledge and develop yourself is wide open at ITS through the Mandiri Partnership route that we have,” explained Bambang, closing his remarks.

The MoU signing ceremony between ITS and PT Wika Gedung Tbk was also attended by several officials from both parties. It is hoped that the signing of this MoU will provide positive feedback in the future between ITS and PT Wika Gedung Tbk. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Putu Calista Arthanti Dewi

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