ITS Campus, ITS News – The increasingly widespread digital transformation in Indonesia has a positive impact on organizational productivity and efficiency as well as becoming a risk in other sectors. This is the background for Dr Tining Haryanti SKom MM MKom, a graduate of the doctoral study program of the Information Systems Department of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to conduct research on innovation in an effort to increase digital competitiveness in Indonesia.
The woman from Tulungagung explained that although internet penetration in Indonesia is the highest in Asia, Indonesia is actually ranked 51st in digital out of 63 countries. Facing this fact, Indonesia as a developing country is targeting increasing its digital competitiveness. “This research was carried out as input for the government’s strategy to bridge digital problems while increasing its digital success ranking,” explained Tining when presenting his dissertation.
Therefore, he continued, through a dissertation entitled Increasing Digital Competitiveness in Indonesia through the Development of a Grand Design and Digital Maturity Measurement Application Based on General System Theory (GST), Tining developed a framework and application as an effort to increase digital competitiveness in Indonesia. The main focus of this research is to thoroughly understand the various dimensions and measurement tools that influence the success of digital transformation in Indonesia.
In this case, Tining also focuses on generating various proposals through research exploration carried out based on a GST perspective. “This aims to create a deeper understanding of the system dynamics involved in digital transformation,” he said.
During research, Tining comprehensively involved various sectors including Education, Manufacturing, Finance, Healthy, and Government. According to him, the involvement of digital transformation in various sectors is one of the success factors in increasing digital competitiveness in Indonesia, so it needs to be involved directly. “We even involved resource persons from various cities in Indonesia, including Surabaya,” said the woman born in 1985.
Through his research, this doctor, who also serves as Head of the Informatics Department, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya (UMS), succeeded in revealing seven dimensions and 32 sub-dimensions as obstacles to digital transformation in Indonesia. He also discovered various challenges, ranging from culture, government, organization to cyber security, which could affect the success of digital transformation in various sectors. “The biggest challenges facing Indonesia arise from the cultural sector,” claimed Tining.
No less interesting, according to Tining, one of the most important contributions from this research is the development of a grand design containing 62 proposed digital activities. This framework provides strategic guidance covering digital infrastructure, regulatory policies, developing skilled human resources in the field of technology, and promoting collaboration between sectors. In its innovation, Tining also introduced a digital maturity measurement application that can provide in-depth understanding and monitor progress in achieving digital maturity.
The entire research results and framework proposed by the ITS Master of Information Systems alumnus were able to lead him to achieve a doctorate in Information Systems, after being declared a graduate at the Doctoral Promotion Open Session, Wednesday (7/2). After pursuing doctoral studies since 2021, Tining was named the first doctoral graduate from the ITS Department of Information Systems doctoral study program.
The doctor who graduated with a cum laude degree hopes that the output of his research can be immediately adopted and implemented by industry in Indonesia. The overall results of this research still cannot explore all the challenges of digital transformation in Indonesia and need to be further developed. “So the results of this research are open to being adapted for further research to produce better solutions.” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)
Reporter: Lathifah Sahda
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