ITS News

Sunday, October 06, 2024
December 20, 2023 18:12

Advancing the Circular Economy Vision, ITS Reveals FABA-Made Earthquake-Resistant Building

Oleh : adminwebits | | Source : ITS Online
Prosesi pemotongan bunga sebagai simbolisasi peresmian Rumah BIMA, rumah tahan gempa berbahan FABA

The flower-cutting ceremony symbolizes the inauguration of BIMA House, an earthquake-resistant dwelling made from FABA.

ITS Campus, ITS News – The commitment of the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) to create a circular economy by empowering community welfare is becoming increasingly evident. This time, ITS, in collaboration with the State Electricity Company (abbriviated as PLN), inaugurated an innovative earthquake-resistant building made from Fly Ash Bottom Ash (FABA) in Sumberejo Village, Paiton Subdistrict, Probolinggo Regency on Wednesday (20/12).

The collaborative innovation, in partnership with the Surabaya State Polytechnic (PPNS), is titled Simple Modular Instant Building (BIMA House). BIMA House is a structure that uses FABA-based bricks, a byproduct of power plants. This earthquake-resistant building has undergone various tests proving its compliance with Indonesian National Standards (SNI).

Ketua Tim Penelitian Dr Eng Yuyun Tajunnisa ST MT saat memberikan sambutan pada peresmian Rumah BIMA di Desa Sumberejo, Kecamatan Paiton, Kabupaten Probolinggo

Dr. Eng Yuyun Tajunnisa ST MT, the head of the research team, giving a speech at the inauguration of BIMA House in Sumberejo Village, Paiton Subdistrict, Probolinggo Regency

In her speech, Fenny Nurhayati, Vice President of Corporate Communication and CSR at PT PLN Nusantara Power, stated that this innovation is a response to the challenge of sustainable FABA waste processing. According to her, this transformation can solve environmental problems while giving rise to new innovations in FABA processing. “In fact, FABA can be transformed into a very suitable material for building houses like BIMA,” she said.

Economically, Fenny believes that the development of FABA processing in this building structure will create new income opportunities for the wider community. With the additional business training, processing practices, and Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) training that have been conducted, the readiness of the community to utilize FABA is increasing.

Tampak depan Rumah BIMA yang berbahan dasar batu bata dari FABA sebagai wujud kolaborasi inovasi besutan ITS, PLN, dan PPNS untuk rumah tahan gempa

Front view of BIMA House, made of FABA-based bricks, as a tangible collaboration innovation by ITS, PLN, and PPNS for earthquake-resistant housing

Regarding the further use of BIMA House, Dr. Eng Yuyun Tajunnisa ST MT, the head of the research team, stated that this building will function as the operational office of the Village-Owned Enterprises (abbriviated as BUMDes) in Sumberejo Village. This use is projected to support the economic turnover of the village community and the advanced processing of flagship products based on FABA.

Penandatangan berita acara penyerahan Rumah BIMA oleh Vice President Corporate Communication and CSR PT PLN Nusantara Power Fenny Nurhayati (kanan)

Signing of the BIMA House handover document by Fenny Nurhayati, Vice President of Corporate Communication and CSR at PT PLN Nusantara Power (right)

In addition, equipment that can be used by BUMDes to produce BIMA House was also handed over during the inauguration. The assistance includes molds, slump test tools, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and other equipment that can support BUMDes’ efforts in BIMA House production.

Peninjauan dan visitasi Rumah BIMA usai diresmikan

Peninjauan dan visitasi Rumah BIMA usai diresmikan

Closing her explanation, a lecturer from the ITS Department of Civil Infrastructure Engineering expressed hope that BIMA House could be a sturdy pioneer for the sustainable utilization of other waste innovations. This transformative effort is expected to demonstrate ITS’s concrete steps in saving the environment and realizing the economic self-sufficiency of the people. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Shafa Annisa Ramadhani

Translator : Nabila Luthfiani

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