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December 09, 2023 10:12

Best In Implementing Digital Learning, ITS Earns P3D DIKTI Award

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Penerimaan penghargaan P3D Dikti yang diberikan oleh perwakilan Ditjen Dikti kepada Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas SKom MKom (tiga dari kanan)

Receiving the P3D Dikti award given by representatives of the Directorate General of Higher Education to Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas SKom MKom (third from right)

ITS Campus, ITS News – Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) commitment to realizing the digitalization of education is increasingly strengthening. This is proven by ITS’ success in winning the award as the 2nd Best Implementing Higher Education in the Category 2 Digital Learning Development and Implementation Program of the Directorate General of Higher Education (P3D Dikti).

For your information, P3D Dikti is an assistance program that aims to encourage universities in Indonesia to be more active in utilizing technology to support the student learning process. This program is also a form of Dikti’s efforts to transform modern and innovative higher education institutions.

To be clearer, this assistance program is divided into two categories. The first category refers to lecturers who come from A or Superior accredited study programs. Meanwhile, the second category refers to lecturers who come from study programs accredited B or Very Good.

ITS Team Leader for Category 2 Henning Titi Ciptaningtyas SKom MKom said that this award was achieved due to his hard work together with four other lecturers from the ITS Information Technology Department. The superior product that has been produced is an online course platform for Cloud Computing Technology courses. “This platform can be accessed by students throughout Indonesia thanks to SPADA Indonesia,” he explained.

Platform pembelajaran daring mata kuliah Teknologi Komputasi Awan yang berhasil dikembangkan tim dosen ITS yang tercantum di SPADA Indonesia

The online learning platform for the Cloud Computing Technology course has been successfully developed by a team of ITS lecturers listed on SPADA Indonesia

The online learning platform for the Cloud Computing Technology course has been successfully developed by a team of ITS lecturers listed on SPADA Indonesia

This course, which weighs four semester credit units (SKS), aims to enable students to understand the importance of studying and designing cloud computing technology. The hope is that this course will have strong relevance in today’s modern era. “Indirectly, this course also helps Dikti achieve its goal of transforming educational institutions completely digitally,” emphasized the lecturer at the Department of Information Technology.

Apart from the online course platform, Henning said that the assistance program had succeeded in producing various useful outcomes. These outputs include practicum modules, animated videos, infographics, and five Intellectual Property Rights (HKI) which were successfully registered with the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). “Of course we will maximize this assistance from Dikti as best as possible,” he said.

With this award, Henning hopes that all universities in Indonesia can continue to support the Higher Education program in transforming digital higher education institutions. He also hopes that the real contribution made by ITS can expand the reach of quality educational accessibility. “Hopefully the knowledge I get here (P3D Dikti, ed) will be useful for the progress of higher education,” he said hopefully. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Bima Surya Samudra

Translator: Nabila Aprilia

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