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Sunday, October 06, 2024
November 12, 2023 09:11

ITS Appreciates the Contribution of National Figures Through the Angka Nitisastro Awards

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Dialog Kilas Balik - Masa Depan ITS bersama Bantasyam (kiri) dan Dr H Ir Abdul Kadir Baraja (kanan) sebagai narasumber dengan dimoderatori oleh Dr Dra Hj Agnes Tuti Rumiati MSc

Flashback Dialogue – The Future of ITS with Bantasyam (left) and Dr. H Ir Abdul Kadir Baraja (right) as resource persons moderated by Dr Dra Hj Agnes Tuti Rumiati MSc in the Angka Nitisastro Awarding

ITS Campus, ITS News – As a form of appreciation for various real contributions to advance the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) and the Indonesian nation, ITS gave the Angka Nitisastro Award to four national figures. This award was presented at the Awarding Ceremony and Flashback Dialogue – The Future of ITS in the Auditorium of the ITS Research Center Building, on Saturday (11/11).

The ceremony, which was also a reunion event, was attended directly by ITS high leaders, including ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng, Chair of the ITS Board of Trustees (MWA) Prof Dr Ir Muhammad Nuh DEA, Chair of the ITS Academic Senate Prof Dr Syafsir Akhlus MSc, and several former ITS chancellors as well as several other important ITS officials. This activity is part of a series of ITS 63rd Anniversary celebrations.

Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng saat memberikan sambutan dalam kegiatan Penganugerahan Penghargaan dan Dialog Kilas Balik - Masa Depan ITS di Auditorium Gedung Pusat Riset ITS

ITS Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng when giving a speech at the Award Ceremony and Flashback Dialogue – ITS Future in the Auditorium of the ITS Research Center Building

In his speech, the ITS Chancellor said that the Nitisastro Figure Award is a form of appreciation from the ITS extended family to pay tribute to the dedication and contribution of national figures. “It has become a tradition at ITS to continue to remember everyone’s contributions,” said the Chancellor, nicknamed Ashari.

According to Ashari, this moment is also a form of appreciation for the achievements, work, or services that have been made so far. Based on these various considerations, ITS agreed to give this prestigious award to the Indonesian Minister of Health Ir Budi Gunadi Sadikin, the Governor of East Java Dr (HC) Dra Hj Khofifah Indar Parawansa MSi, the Deputy Governor (Deputy Governor) of East Java Dr H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc, and ITS Chancellor for the period 2011 – 2015 Prof Dr Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA.

Ketua MWA ITS Prof Dr Muhammad Nuh DEA (dua dari kiri) menyerahkan Penghargaan Angka Nitisastro kepada Rektor ITS ke-10 Prof Dr Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA (dua dari kanan)

Chairman of the ITS Board of Trustees Prof Dr. Muhammad Nuh DEA (second from left) handed over the Angka Nitisastro Award to the 10th ITS Chancellor Prof Dr. Ir Triyogi Yuwono DEA (second from right)

On this occasion, Triyogi, who is the 10th Chancellor of ITS, said that his contribution to the Hero Campus was a form of optimism that he believed would attract the superior potential possessed by ITS. “However, ITS needs to immediately improve so that it is ready to compete in the future,” reminded Triyogi.

Based on this problem, he proposed three efforts that could be made to continue expanding ITS’ activities on the world stage. These include improving the quality and quantity of human resources, maximizing laboratory infrastructure to connect educational activities, as well as efficient management of higher education.

Penyerahan Penghargaan Angka Nitisastro kepada Wakil Gubernur Jawa Timur Dr H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc (dua dari kanan)

Presentation of the Nitisastro Figure Award to the Deputy Governor of East Java Dr H Emil Elestianto Dardak BBus MSc (second from right)

Meanwhile, the Deputy Governor of East Java who was present directly through his speech said that the dedication he made was a manifestation of his determination to advance East Java in various sectors, one of which was the economic sector. “East Java is the second largest contributor to the economy in Indonesia,” said Emil.

Not alone, this step was realized through collaboration with ITS as a campus with leading technology and innovation. “In the future, ITS also needs to scale up the insights of young people to continue to connect the baton of contribution,” he stressed.

Closing his remarks on that occasion, Emil expressed his appreciation to the entire ITS academic community. He believes that the rhythms and trends that ITS has intensified will bear sweet fruit in the future. “I hope that ITS will not only provide benefits for East Java but also Indonesia,” he concluded.

Penyerahan penghargaan kepada Media Partner ITS antara lain LKBN Antara, Harian Jawa Pos, Suara Surabaya, dan Harian Kompas oleh Rektor ITS Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng

Presentation of awards to ITS Media Partners including LKBN Antara, Jawa Pos Daily, Suara Surabaya, and Kompas Daily by ITS Chancellor Prof Dr Ir Mochamad Ashari MEng

Apart from national figures, ITS also gives awards to alumni who have contributed a lot through the Anugerah Wira Adhiwasesa Award. The award was given to Awang Sasongko ST MH, Ir Totty Moekardiono, Dr. Ir Satya Widya Yudha MSc Ph.D., Ir Dieta Kurnia SH MM MH, Lucia Karina ST, Ir Ganis Danandjati, and Ir Don Rozano MM.

Not only alumni, but several international partners of this institution located in Surabaya also received awards for their contributions to the wider community and ITS. These include Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ), PT Panasonic Gobel Life Solutions Manufacturing Indonesia, and Airlangga University Hospital (RSUA).

Presentation of the Anugerah Wira Adhiwasesa Award to one of the meritorious alumni, Ir Satya Widya Yudha MSc PhD (center)

Then, ITS also gave appreciation to entrepreneurs through the Entrepreneur Award. This award was received with pride by Abdul Ghofur SKom MBA, Syukriatun Niamah ST, and Nurul Amin Kahir ST. Furthermore, awards to several media partners were also given to the National News Agency (LKBN) Antara, Jawa Pos, Kompas, and Suara Surabaya.

Apart from presenting awards to figures, alumni, international partners, entrepreneurs, and several media partners, the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) award was also presented. During this activity, a discussion about flashbacks was also presented to commemorate the development of ITS from time to time. The flashback presented Bantasyam and Dr. H Ir Abdul Kadir Baraja as resource persons and was moderated by Dr. Dra Hj Agnes Tuti Rumiati MSc. (ITS Public Relations)

Reporter: Hibar Buana Puspa

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