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September 18, 2023 16:09

ITS Alumni Designer Designs a Visual Identity for ASEAN Leadership 2023

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ASEAN Indonesia 2023 logo designed by Adji Herdanto, an ITS Visual Communication Design alumni

ITS Campus, ITS News – The mandate given to Indonesia to endure the leadership of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2023 has given rise to the need for a visual identity that represents Indonesia’s vision and mission. Through the Indonesian Graphic Designers Association (ADGI), an alumni of Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) was selected as the designer of ASEAN chairmanship logo for Indonesia which will be used throughout 2023.

Adji Herdanto, a graphic designer from Surabaya received a direct mandate from the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, to visualize the symbol of Indonesia’s leadership in ASEAN 2023. Following the theme of ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth, Adji’s logo succeeded in reflecting Indonesia’s ideals and values. The combination of traditional Indonesian elements with an attractive modern feel was Adji’s choice in determining the logo concept.

Adji Herdanto, an alumni from Visual Communication Design (DKV) ITS, as the creator of ASEAN Indonesian chairmanship logo 2023

In his design, this ITS Visual Communication Design (DKV) alumni combined some elements of sky, mountains, ocean, and Maleo which symbolize Indonesia’s natural wealth. The unity of these symbols contains the meaning of being dynamic, responsive, and adaptive to internal and external changes happened in the Southeast Asia region. “Before creating the logo, we conducted a various research so that the President’s message (read: President Joko Widodo) could be understood by the public,” he explained.

By conducting this research, Adji admitts that he was inspired a lot by the spirit of unity and cooperation which is the essence of ASEAN itself. From this concept, Adji invites Indonesian people to interpret ASEAN countries as one unit that moves together and is optimistic about moving forward towards better growth. “It also illustrates Indonesia’s leadership in advancing the ASEAN region,” the class of 2012 alumni added.

ASEAN Indonesia 2023 logo at the 42nd ASEAN Summit (Summit) in Labun Bajo, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), some times ago

Adji’s choice as the ASEAN logo designer was not the result of mere coincidence. The founder of the Acronym studio in Surabaya has achieved success with a strong educational background in the field of graphic design. Adji is often invited by several universities and various other events to give talk shows with design themes. Moreover, Akronim, a studio which was established by a friend of him from his alma mater, is often active in working on commercial design projects.

Furthermore, Adji said that the logo design selection process for Indonesia’s leadership in ASEAN 2023 was carried out carefully by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, involving ADGI and various other designers. These designs were evaluated based on strict criteria, and finally Adji’s work emerged as the best logo design. This success cannot be separated from the application of the knowledge provided by ITS during lectures.

Adji Herdanto (far left) when socializing the ASEAN 2023 logo with regional secretaries from 38 provinces throughout Indonesia

This logo created by Adji will become the official symbol used in all series of activities related to ASEAN in Indonesia throughout 2023. This includes diplomatic meetings, international conferences and various cultural events that will be held. This logo is also adapted in the form of banners, LEDs, and various other design purposes. “All lines of government continue to intensify the use of these logos,” said Adji.

As a visual communication design practitioner, Adji hopes that Indonesia will further develop in the world of design and have strong collaboration. This will help Indonesia become a country that has a more structured and neat appearance that reflects progress and extraordinary creative potential. “With this, we can present more diverse colors in various aspects of life in Indonesia,” concluded Adji. (ITS Public Relations)


Reporter: Lathifah Sahda

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